Vinyline for wrinkles

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Vinyl for children. Vinylin is contraindicated for internal use in children, but is often used in pediatrics for the treatment of stomatitis. But it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the prescribed dosage. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

There is another method of treatment: simply lubricate hemorrhoids with Vinyl 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. This treatment will help the rectal fissure heal. For internal hemorrhoids, treatment will require a disposable syringe and a tube of suitable diameter 5-7 cm long, which should be placed on the syringe instead of a needle. You can also use a microenema. After bowel movement, inject at least 2 ml of warmed Vinilin into the rectum.

At the end of the course, a 3-4-day break is recommended, then the treatment is repeated. Vinilin gives good results in the treatment of hemorrhoids in the first and second stages of the disease. In advanced stages it is less effective. To prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is enough to use Vinilin once a day for a week (preferably at night) as a lubricant, or once every two weeks as a compress.

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In order to eliminate the unpleasant taste, especially for patients with hypersensitivity, peppermint infusion or oil is added to the balm mixture. The patient directly from the bottle takes 1-1.5 ml of the drug into his mouth and actively lubricates the entire mucous membrane with his tongue, while making movements for 5-8 minutes, as when rinsing the mouth. Vinilin can also be used in the treatment of sore throat. To do this, wrap a cotton swab on a clean stick, soak it in Vinyl and lubricate the tonsils 3-4 times a day. Any antibiotics or other drugs prescribed for angina are combined with Vinilin.

It should be noted that this drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties. The active ingredient of this drug is polyvinox, which has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, stimulating epithelial regeneration. The balm is not a toxic substance and does not cause side effects in the body, no matter in what quantities it is used.


If a child has an allergic reaction and there are no positive results of treatment, then procedures with vinylin should be stopped. Contraindications to the use of Vinilin. Vinylin is contraindicated for use in the following situations:

The drug is available in the form of a balm and soft gelatin capsules (1 capsule of polyvinox 1.4 g). The balm is sold in dark glass bottles of 50, 100 and 180 ml. The balm consists only of 100% polyvinox. The balm can be used in its pure form, as a 20% solution in vegetable oil (for example, rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil) and as an ointment (the balm is compatible with other creams, pastes and ointments). Application of Vinilin. Vinilin is used for many problems. The instructions for Vinilin say that this drug is used: in dermatology and surgery for the treatment of wounds, abrasions, purulent wounds, injuries, carbuncles, mastitis, furunculosis, trophic ulcers, pustular skin diseases (strepto-staphyloderma), inflammatory skin diseases (dermatitis ), cracks in the nipples, on the heels... for the treatment of varying degrees of severity of thermal and chemical burns, as well as for the treatment of frostbite (also of varying degrees of severity. scabies. in dentistry for gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis, periodontal disease, leukoplakia, negative and irritating effects, arising when using removable plastic dentures, tonsillitis in gastroenterology with gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, with gastritis with high acidity, with heartburn, colitis, with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, dysentery, in proctology with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, in oncology during radiation therapy in the maxillofacial area and with developing post-radiation lesions observed on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, Method of application of Vinilin and dosage.

The protective film formed on the affected surface protects the wound from irritation upon contact with products, thereby reducing pain. Vinylin for stomatitis is used in the form of an ointment to lubricate ulcers and wounds or as a solution for rinsing the mouth. It can be combined with other drugs for the complex treatment of stomatitis.

Moisten a clean gauze pad generously with Vinyl. With great care, apply Vinilin in a thin layer to the affected areas of the child’s oral mucosa. Then you need to lubricate the wounds 2 hours after feeding 3-4 times a day. Although improvement occurs quite quickly (after 5-7 days), it is necessary to treat until complete recovery.

The duration of therapy is 18-20 days. Vinyline can be administered rectally to treat colitis, ulcerative colitis, dysentery or hemorrhoids. The drug is administered through a rectoscope and using a syringe through a rectal rubber tube. Also, the balm is administered into the rectum using a rubber bulb. Through a rectoscope, the drug is administered in an amount of 25-40 ml, and with microenemas - 15-30 ml. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days. In the form of therapeutic enemas, either pure Vinylin or half diluted with fish oil is administered.

More often, this drug is used externally in the form of antiseptic dressings soaked in balm or simply applying ointment to damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes, during inflammatory, purulent and ulcerative processes. Method of applying a vinylin dressing: a gauze pad moistened with vinylin is applied to the wound. If the wound is a large cavity, vinylin is poured into it directly and a gauze swab is inserted there. The treatment time with the balm is much shorter than when using a conventional wound healing agent. Vinylin is used in its pure form to treat burns. The drug is applied to the affected surface. The balm has an anesthetic property, which is very important for burns, causes rapid epithelization with the subsequent formation of a soft, elastic, non-constricting scar for deep burn lesions (III degree). The drug is also used orally if the patient has, for example, duodenal ulcer (or stomach ), with hyperacid gastritis. Vinylin is taken orally in the form of a balm (undiluted) and in capsules 6 hours after a light dinner.

The course of treatment is 2 weeks. When treated with Vinilin, a slight burning sensation may be felt. But even if a positive result is obtained, you should not interrupt the course of treatment; you need to patiently complete it to avoid relapses of the disease.

Or its other name is Vinilin. This balm was created in 1940 as an artificial substitute for natural essential balms: Fir, Vishnevsky. After lengthy research in several clinics, it was found that Vinilin’s therapeutic effect is not inferior to these natural drugs, and sometimes even surpasses them. Shostakovsky balm has a strong antiseptic effect, inhibits the growth of microorganisms and has a beneficial effect on healing processes and promotes regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes.

On the first day of treatment, take 1 teaspoon of balm, and on all subsequent days of treatment - 1 dessert spoon once a day. The duration of treatment for peptic ulcers is 15-20 days, and for gastritis with increased secretion and severe heartburn - 10-12 days. Capsules are taken according to the following scheme: the first day - 3 capsules, subsequent days - 5 capsules once a day.

Vinyline for hemorrhoids. For external hemorrhoids, treatment is carried out in this way: a gauze napkin or a piece of bandage is generously moistened with Vinilin and applied to the painful nodes in the anal area, holding it with the buttocks for 30 minutes. This should be done while lying on your stomach. This compress is used 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of pain and bleeding.

For therapeutic enemas, the balm is administered in an amount of 100 ml. Frequency of application – 2 times a week. The course of therapy is from 21 to 28 days. Vinyline for stomatitis. Vinylin is often prescribed by dentists for the treatment of stomatitis, because... it has not only antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects, but also healing.

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Vinylinum is also known as polyvinylbutyl ether. This medicine has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, enveloping effect. It is often used for cleansing and healing wounds and ulcers.

Features of the drug

Dosage forms

The medication is a viscous, thick liquid with a specific odor. Its color is light yellow. The medicine does not dissolve in water. The drug in question is easily mixed with the following liquids:

  1. liquid paraffin;
  2. oils;
  3. ethyl ether;
  4. chloroform;
  5. isoamyl alcohol;
  6. butyl alcohol.

The balm does not thicken or dry out in the air. The medicine is produced in different volumes: 50 g, 100 g.

Vinilin (Shostakovsky balm) is discussed in detail in this video:

Composition of Vinilin

The active ingredient of this medication is polyvinox. One bottle contains 50 g of polyvinox.

The cost of the drug depends on the volume, pharmacy rating, and the city in which it is sold. The price can vary between 96 – 232 rubles.

Pharmachologic effect

"Vinilin" has the following effects:

  1. bacteriostatic;
  2. wound healing;
  3. antimicrobial;
  4. regenerating.

When taken orally, the medicine exhibits the following effects: enveloping, anti-inflammatory.


Vinilin is widely used in dermatology. Dermatologists can prescribe this medication for the treatment of the following dermal lesions:

The drug is used in the treatment of many other diseases:

Instructions for use

The medication can be used in two ways:

  1. externally. In this case, the balm is applied to a napkin on the wound surface in the amount specified by the doctor. Externally, the medicine can be used pure, in the form of a 20% solution, which is prepared using any vegetable oil (rose hips, sea buckthorn). The medicine is also used in the form of an ointment. To do this, the balm is mixed with ointments, creams, pastes;
  2. inside. In this way, you can take pure balm, but 5–6 hours should pass after a light dinner. Oral administration can also be done through a proctoscope. A proctoscope is a medical device that is used to examine the large intestine. The balm can also be administered through a rectal rubber tube. The medication is usually administered into the rectum using a rubber bulb.

Vinilin can also be used for therapeutic enema. In this case, it is used with pure, diluted fish oil (50:50).

For adults

If the drug is taken orally, 1 teaspoon is enough on the first day. In the following days, take 1 dessert spoon of the medicine. Vinilin should be taken once a day. The therapeutic course lasts about 15–20 days (when the drug is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers), 10–12 days (if the patient has severe heartburn, gastritis with high acidity).

For administration through a rectoscope you need 25 - 40 ml. drug. To perform a microenema, 15–30 ml is required. The treatment course lasts up to 10 days. When therapeutic enemas are performed, 100 ml of the drug is needed. Therapeutic enemas are performed twice a week. The therapeutic course is 3–4 weeks.

Children, newborns

Children should not use the drug for internal use. In pediatrics, the medication in question is often used in the treatment of stomatitis. The use of "Vinilin" is allowed only as prescribed by a specialist. In this case, it is very important to comply with the dosage of the medicine indicated by the doctor.

To treat the oral cavity, you need to moisten a clean napkin with balm and carefully treat the affected areas. Hands must be clean during the procedure. It is recommended to lubricate the wounds 2 hours after feeding the baby. Treatment is carried out 3 – 4 times a day.

"Vinilin" should be used until the child is completely healthy. If there is no positive dynamics 5–7 days after the start of therapy, an allergic reaction occurs, treatment should be stopped. In this case, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from using the drug.


The drug has a number of contraindications. Doctors do not prescribe the drug in question in the following cases:

  1. children's age (oral consumption is prohibited);
  2. presence of kidney disease;
  3. individual intolerance;
  4. period of breastfeeding, pregnancy;
  5. presence of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Side effects

If you follow the dosage prescribed by the specialist, no side effects will appear. In case of overdose, an allergic reaction may occur. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

special instructions

In some cases, experts allow the use of Vinilin by pregnant and breastfeeding women. But the medication can only be used externally. It is prohibited to take the medicine internally.

Interaction with other drugs

There were no negative interactions between Shostakovsky balm and other medications.


Patients leave mostly positive reviews about the medication. Many note the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of diseases such as tonsillitis, stomatitis, wounds, hemorrhoids, gastritis, ulcers. Patients indicate a fairly strong healing effect of Vinilin. So far, none of those who have used the drug have left reviews regarding the occurrence of side effects.

Some mothers even cured diaper rash on the baby’s bottom, which arose after wearing diapers. Some users do not like the fact that the balm is very sticky and is difficult to wash off hands after use.


Among the analogues of the balm “Vinilin” we indicate:

  1. "Aekol."
  2. "Algofin".
  3. "Alantan plus"
  4. "Altan ointment."
  5. "Acerbine".
  6. "Ampukare".
  7. "Bepanten."
  8. "Vulnuzan."
  9. "Depanthenol".
  10. "Wundehil."
  11. "Kalendoderm"
  12. "Kalanchoe juice."
  13. "Carotoline."
  14. "Levomekol".
  15. "Kontraktubeks".
  16. "Methyluracil".
  17. "Mephenate".
  18. "Olazol."
  19. "Nitacide."
  20. "Panthenol".
  21. "Pantekrem".
  22. "Propolis"
  23. "Salkhino"
  24. "Propolis tincture."
  25. "Rescuer".
  26. "Hepiderm".
  27. "Rose hip oil."
  28. "Sage tincture."
  29. "Ebermin."

An analogue should be used instead of Vinilin after consultation with your doctor.

Removing an ingrown toenail at home using vinylin and other means is described in this video: