Why does the skin of your hands dry out in winter?

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When cold weather sets in, our hands become rough, the skin on them peels and tightens, and cracks often appear on the fingers. Let's try to figure out how to protect and restore the delicate skin of your hands in winter, and what products will be most effective for care during the cold season.

When cold weather sets in, our hands become rough, the skin on them peels and tightens, and cracks often appear on the fingers. Let's try to figure out how to protect the delicate skin of your hands in winter and what products will be most effective. But first, let’s find out what causes the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms during the cold season.

Why does the skin of your hands crack and peel in winter?

  1. Anatomical features

The natural protection of the skin from external adverse factors is provided by the hydrolipid mantle. This is a thin film of fat and acids on the surface of the epidermis. It turns out that the hydrolipid barrier on the skin of the hands is very weak, so it is extremely susceptible to the effects of frost and wind and quickly loses moisture. The situation is further aggravated by the almost complete absence of vellus hairs and sebaceous glands in this area.

Negative effects of frost and wind

Cold weather is a real stress for our body, and especially for our hands, which we do not always have time to hide in gloves or mittens.

When the temperature drops below zero, special molecules, cytokines, are produced and accumulated in the skin, which increase its sensitivity and make it more vulnerable. In addition, ice microcrystals invisible to the eye during the wind injure the epidermis, and temperature changes slow down the renewal process. As a result, the skin of the hands becomes drier in winter, it becomes rough, flaky and cracks.

Important: If dry and flaky hand skin in winter is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as redness, burning and itchy rashes, be sure to consult a dermatologist. This is exactly how an allergy to cold manifests itself, which requires medical treatment!

How to protect the skin of your hands in winter?

To keep your hands beautiful and young in cold weather, you should take care of them:

Let's warm ourselves:

A simple but very important rule: before going outside, do not forget to wear warm gloves or mittens.

We prevent the development of dryness and flaking:

After washing, dry your hands thoroughly with a towel. In public places, avoid automatic dryers and wipe your hands with dry wipes instead.

Helpful advice: In winter, dry indoor air literally pulls moisture from the skin. To moisturize it, it is not at all necessary to purchase special equipment. It is enough to place a small container of water near the heating source.

  1. Protecting the delicate skin of your hands:

The household chemicals that we use for cleaning do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin of our hands, weakened by the effects of frost and cold. They destroy the protective layer of the epidermis and can cause irritation and cracks. To protect it, wear household gloves, preferably cotton ones, before cleaning or washing dishes. This way you will protect your hands from the action of aggressive substances and prevent the development of dryness and irritation.

We take vitamins and drink water:

In winter, the body's need for vitamins and microelements increases. A deficiency of these substances causes the skin of the hands to become very flaky and dry in winter. It takes on an unhealthy tint and becomes rougher, and cracks appear on the fingers.

A course of complex vitamin and mineral preparations will help maintain the beauty and health of your hand skin in winter.

To maintain water balance, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

We select and use cosmetic products correctly: Choose cosmetic products that are specifically designed for hand skin care. There is no need to skimp on cosmetics: give preference to quality products from well-known brands. Now let's take a closer look at exactly what products are needed to maintain the beauty and health of your hands during the cold season, and how to use them.

How to care for the skin of your hands in winter using cosmetics?

Hand skin care in winter includes 4 mandatory stages: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Each of them is very important and has its own characteristics.


For washing your hands in winter, the best option is a special cosmetic soap. It contains components that nourish and moisturize the skin, and, unlike regular ones, does not dry out the skin:

Winter is a time of real testing not only for us, but also for our skin. Regardless of the type, it can face a number of problems such as dryness, tightness, discomfort and even irritation. We will tell you how to minimize threats in this article.

  1. Symptoms of dry skin on the face and body
  2. External causes of dry skin in winter
  3. Internal causes of dry skin in winter
  4. Preventing dry skin in winter
  5. Review of dry skin care products during the winter season
  6. Express methods for eliminating severe dry skin

Symptoms of dry skin on the face and body

In winter, you constantly want to moisturize your skin, it is so dry. © Getty Images

Dry skin is skin that lacks moisture and lipids (fats). Externally, this deficiency manifests itself in different ways: the skin becomes uneven, wrinkled, rough, itching and cracks may appear.

Just in case, let us remind you that dry skin in winter can be caused by several reasons:

operation of heating devices at home and in the office;

lack of proper care.

When faced with dryness, the skin immediately sends a signal.

The skin of your hands becomes rough in winter; you constantly want to apply a moisturizing (or nourishing) cream to it.

The skin of the face tightens not only after washing, but also after walking outside.

As for the skin of the body, after a shower there is no way to do without a nourishing lotion, because otherwise peeling on the shins and elbows cannot be avoided.

The most common signs that your skin has become dry are:

decreased tone and turgor;

External causes of dry skin in winter

One of the reasons for dry skin on the face and body in winter is too hot water in the shower. © Getty Images

You just need to accept it as a fact that in winter our skin needs hydration more than at any other time of the year. Not only dry indoor air and the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors are to blame for this. Here are some more reasons.

Hot water

In winter, it only aggravates the already stressful situation for our epidermis. When washing with hot water, the blood vessels dilate, the skin turns red, its turgor decreases, and the skin barrier is damaged.


We are talking primarily about the habit of hiding your face in a scarf. Its villi, when in contact with the face, physically irritate the nerve fibers of the skin - and hello, a feeling of dryness.

Dry indoor air

A good humidifier will help correct the situation a little, although you shouldn’t count on it 100%. It is much more important to maintain a drinking regime: your helpers are clean water, green tea, and mineral water.

Incorrectly selected cosmetics

Many believe that in winter you should definitely replace your moisturizer with a nourishing and/or protective one. Of course, the skin needs protection, but only immediately before a walk. But as a basic care, you need to continue to apply your usual moisturizer. It will help retain moisture, which the skin already lacks in winter.

Excessive cleansing

Dermatologists suggest keeping your relationship with water to a minimum during the cold season. No, of course you need to wash your face. But without fanaticism. Cleansing in the morning and evening, intensive cleansing - if necessary, but not more than 1-2 times a week. Washing your face “to the point of squeaking” disrupts the pH of the skin.

At a time when the skin is sorely lacking moisture and its own lipids (and they play a huge role in strengthening its protective barrier), we simply must help it in every possible way and means.

Internal causes of dry skin in winter

Dry skin is caused not only by external causes (weather conditions), but also by internal ones. Let's consider the most basic factors.

Poor nutrition. The condition of our skin largely depends on what we eat. During the winter, when your skin is prone to dehydration, eating healthy fats along with moisturizer will help keep your skin feeling comfortable despite the weather. Proper nutrition and care products have a complementary effect, helping to maintain beauty and health.

Lack of vitamins. Sometimes dry skin occurs due to a deficiency of vitamins important for the body. For example, dryness and cracks indicate a lack of vitamins A, PP, group B. We have already written about this in great detail here.

Hormonal imbalance. Fluctuating hormone levels also cause dry skin. An endocrinologist will give you more accurate information. Usually, after the first consultation, the specialist prescribes a number of tests, including a hormone test.

Hereditary predisposition. If your immediate family suffers from dry skin, then you most likely know about this problem firsthand. In this case, regular (daily) competent care will help.

General dehydration of the body. Lack of moisture always leads to dry skin. At any time of the year, but especially in winter. Therefore, calculate your daily fluid intake (30 ml per 1 kg of weight) and try to follow the drinking regime.

Causes of dry skin in children

Causes of dry skin in pregnant women

Pregnant women also sometimes complain of increased dry skin. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Usually, thick, fatty nourishing creams, oils and body balms save the situation.

Preventing dry skin in winter

In winter, you need to strengthen your diet with vegetables, nuts, and fatty fish. © Getty Images

How to deal with flaking and dry skin in winter? This question is asked by millions of women and men around the world. It's quite simple. Here are the main recommendations.

Drink more water. You can try downloading a special application to your smartphone that will remind you every half hour to take a few sips of water. Remember the daily norm is approximately 30 ml of liquid for every kilogram of your own weight.

Add more foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids to your winter diet: fatty sea fish, cod liver, avocado. In addition, the body really needs vitamin C: it is found in all citrus fruits, kiwi, and blueberries. Look for vitamins A and E, also called beauty vitamins, in dairy products and spinach. For healthy skin, zinc is needed; beef liver contains a lot of it.

Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber every day.

Avoid taking too hot showers and baths. It is best to finish any water treatments with a contrast shower. Keep in mind: the word “contrast” in this case does not mean an extreme temperature difference, but an alternation of warm and slightly cool water.

Apply moisturizing and/or nourishing cream or body lotion. Be sure to apply it to still damp skin to “seal in” the moisture.

You can install a humidifier in the bedroom and run it throughout the night.

Never stop using facial moisturizer. The ideal time to apply it is 40–60 minutes before going outside. You can add a couple of drops of cosmetic oil to the cream - this will make its texture more pleasant and better accepted by the skin.

In extreme cold, use additional protective cream. So that it has time to form a film on the skin that protects from frost and wind, apply the product at least 30 minutes before leaving the house.

Review of dry skin care products during the winter season

To strengthen and protect the skin barrier, we advise you to always have powerful moisturizing, restorative and protective products on hand for both the face and body.

For face

Antarcticin, which is part of this product, helps maintain optimal moisture levels. This substance is a glycoprotein of a microorganism that has the super ability to survive at very low temperatures and therefore provides the skin with protection even under unfavorable temperature conditions.

The effect of the cream is due to the combined effect of the three most important skin lipids - ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids in a high concentration of 2:4:2.

For body

The balm is based on Aqua Posae Filiformis, an active component that regulates the natural microflora of the skin. Combined with soothing niacinamide and nourishing shea butter, it restores and strengthens the skin's lipid barrier.

Restores and strengthens the skin barrier. To understand why it works, just look at the composition: the product contains a complex of essential ceramides.

Express methods for eliminating severe dry skin

When you come home from the street and your skin is either burning from the cold or tight, you really want to quickly put it in order and provide a feeling of comfort. Here are some recipes.

Homemade masks

Mask with boiled potatoes will help moisturize and soften the skin. Boil a couple of potatoes and mash them in a bowl, stir with 2 tablespoons of heavy cream. Apply the warm mixture in a thick layer onto cleansed skin. Leave until the potatoes cool completely. Then rinse and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Honey perfectly restores reactive and dry skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of milk and heat gently in the microwave. Apply the mask to your face and lie down for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and be sure to apply moisturizer.


Massage, or rather self-massage, also helps restore the skin. And here the main rule is neat, light movements, without effort or pressure. Before starting the procedure, apply cream or cosmetic oil. Perform movements along the massage lines extremely delicately, without stretching the skin.

Vitamin-mineral complex

To support your skin during the cold season, you can take a course of a vitamin-mineral complex. This, of course, is not exactly an express method, since the missing vitamins and minerals will “reach” the skin last, first providing other vital organs with the necessary substances.

The only thing we do not recommend is prescribing vitamins yourself. First, consult your doctor and get tested. Based on their results, the specialist will select the optimal complex that meets your needs.

Every woman wants her hands to look beautiful and well-groomed at any time of the year. But in winter, the skin of the hands often becomes tight and peels. How to get rid of dry hand skin, especially in winter? About this in today's article.

People of all genders face such an unpleasant problem as dry skin in winter. This can occur due to frequent temperature changes, constant stressful situations, washing hands with hot water, lack of vitamins and other important elements in the body.

Also, dry skin on the hands may indicate the presence of any skin or internal diseases.

If the skin on your hands is very dry, prone to peeling and flaking, then fungal diseases should be excluded.

Also, if the skin looks dry and there are strange pigment spots on it, then this indicates a disease of some internal organs that needs to be identified by going to the doctor.

If nothing indicates the presence of the above problems, then you should simply take some measures to prevent dry skin in winter.

What to do when the skin on your hands gets dry
in the winter season

It’s not difficult to get rid of this if you follow all the care rules, don’t be lazy to do it regularly, and try to set aside time for it.

To prevent your skin from drying out too much, you should stop taking too hot showers and wash your hands in hot water. Although everyone (like me!) loves hot water in winter, this procedure rids the skin of its natural oily lubricant and dries it out.

If life becomes unpleasant without taking a hot bath or shower, then you should limit the time spent in them to five to ten minutes, but no more.

But I prefer to moisturize my skin after a bath rather than skip it or shorten the time of use. By the way, when I started taking soda baths (1 pack of soda per bath), the problem of dry skin went away from sight.

Also in the winter season it is considered necessary to take vitamins and beneficial microelements. The best ones are those found in natural vegetables and fruits.

It is necessary to avoid soaps that contain fragrances, as they can dry out the skin.

It’s also a good idea to put a humidifier in the room. When you are in a room with humidified air, the skin will naturally become saturated with moisture.

You should use hand creams for different purposes (nourishing, moisturizing) after contact with water.

This is especially true for young mothers and housewives who spend a lot of time at home doing household chores (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.).

There is absolutely no need to buy the most expensive and branded cream. Perhaps its composition and quality will differ little from cheaper options. It is important that the cream contains more natural ingredients.

Ordinary homemade masks and creams made from simple and inexpensive products can help get rid of dry skin very well.

Folk remedies for dry hands

Very good mask with vegetable oil, which is slightly heated in a water bath. Then they wrap their hands in napkins moistened with it for thirty minutes. After the mask, you do not need to wash your hands, just pat them dry with a dry cloth or towel.

Also good for dry hands regular potatoes. You just have to hold your hands in the water in which it was boiled, or apply puree from it on them.

The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes.

Oatmeal mask also very effective. A little vegetable oil (preferably cold pressed) is added to regular boiled oatmeal. The mixture is applied to the hands for twenty minutes.

Very dry skin can be moisturized and nourished with a special softening cream. The cream is easy to prepare at home.

Hand skin softening cream.
Step-by-step instruction.

  1. Prepare a clean and dry (preferably glass) container and squeeze out about 50 ml of any hand cream you have at home (preferably without chemical additives). Men's aftershave cream is also suitable, especially with vitamin F.
  2. Add little by little any base oil (olive, wheat germ oil, sesame, pumpkin, flaxseed, etc.).
    Carrier oil is cold pressed oil. This must be written on the packaging. You can buy it at pharmacies and grocery stores.
  3. Taste the resulting cream as you add oil; apply it to the back of your hand and rub in. With a well-chosen consistency and composition of the cream, the skin on your hands should become denser, but not shiny.
    And listen to your feelings. The cream should give pleasure to the skin! Typically, about 2 times less oil is required than cream. But it is selected individually for each skin type!
  4. You can add 10-15 drops of sea buckthorn oil or any other oil enriched with plant extracts.
  5. Store the cream either in the refrigerator or on a shelf in the bathroom.

How to apply the cream?

You can lubricate your hands at any time if necessary, apply the cream at night.

But the greatest effect comes from using the cream as a mask:

  1. apply cream to hands;
  2. wear disposable gloves;
  3. put on mittens on top;
  4. hold for 30 minutes;
  5. Take off your gloves and wipe your hands with a dry cloth.

This hand mask can be made daily. After just 5-7 days you will notice an amazing effect: peeling and tightening of the skin on your hands will disappear, the skin will become smooth, denser and silky.

By the way, this method of applying hand masks is effective for almost any mask. Some cosmetologists even recommend leaving gloves on all night.

I prepared a composition based on aftershave cream, adding cold-pressed sesame oil. At home there was also olive, but I really like sesame. Moreover, in winter, Chinese medicine recommends using sesame oil.

The cream delighted me. Fine wrinkles smoothed out, and the skin became satin to the touch. I didn't even make a mask. I just put the jar in the bathroom and applied the cream after washing my hands.

I discovered one drawback - the cream had a fragrance. In the first few minutes I smell this fragrance. I prefer the smell of sesame oil. So next time I’ll make it based on some unscented cream.

What is the highlight of this cream?

The addition of vegetable oil does not change the chemical composition of the cream. But it protects, moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin. Cold pressed oil contains natural vitamins and other benefits depending on the type of oil.

All the recipes given in the article are very useful for the skin of the hands, they save it from dryness, make it smoother and more well-groomed, heal microcracks, and promote nail growth. For nail care, also use the Japanese geisha recipe.

But to achieve beautiful hands, you need to make masks regularly for a long time (for example, a month). A one-time use of the recipe will not provide the desired result and effect, and will not instantly improve the skin on your hands.

Remember that unkempt hands can reveal a woman's age. Watch the video about it.

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