Vinogradov Sign

**Vinogradova-Vinogradova** is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs mainly in young women. The essence of the disease is the predominant damage to the gland cells of the gastric mucosa.

The disease is clinically manifested by asthenia, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite, anemia and other signs.

Characteristic is the paroxysmal course of the disease, which occurs after an error in diet and is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, colicky abdominal pain, lack of appetite and rumbling and pain on palpation of the intestines. Many patients experience bloating

Vinogradov's sign or Vinogradov's sign is a symptom observed in thoracic radiology and characterized by a symmetrical expansion of the mediastinal shadow in the lateral direction in combination with a symmetrical shadow of the bronchial trachea. The development of these changes is usually associated with a significant decrease in lung volumes and

The Grape symptom in medicine characterizes the degree of influence of the cerebral cortex on the development of hypoxia during poisoning with carbon monoxide and other poisons. It is observed both in the acute period of the disease and during the recovery period. It may manifest as obstructive syndrome, which characterizes pathological hypersecretion of sputum or

Vinogradov was the first Russian urologist, the author of works on the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, cystitis and prostatitis, and the first to study these diseases in detail. “Thirty-eight cases of cystitis” (1864), “Nine cases of chronic urethritis” and “Discoveries in the field of treatment of chronic prostatitis and its complications” published during his lifetime were written in good literary language and represent a significant contribution to the world urology of those years. They were the first to reflect the principle of gentle treatment of tissues in patients.

Since 1969, Vinogradov has conducted a number of classical studies, was the founder of domestic urodynamics, proposed original designs of a bridge-like catheter that can be used for catheterization of the bladder, leading to the inevitable conclusion - the presence of a school of urinary catheterization in the Soviet Union made it, unlike

Vinogradov's sign is a clinical diagnostic sign that is used to determine the severity of sepsis. It was developed by the domestic therapist N.A. Vinogradov in 1871. The essence of the method is that the patient’s blood and urine parameters are first examined, then breathing and blood circulation are determined, and the general condition of the body is assessed. In the presence of clinical signs of sepsis, Vinogradov indicates the existence of a septic condition. However, it should be noted that the Vinogradov method is not accurate and cannot always correctly determine the severity of sepsis, so it is currently not used in widespread medical practice.