Virhova Cells

Cell theory

Karl Virchow (1821-1906) - Swiss pathologist, Nobel Prize winner in medicine and physiology. In 1913, betraying immaturity due to his age, he lost in a dispute about priority in the discovery of viral pathogens to the first to discover viruses, Herbert Spallanz. He posited the presence of a single origin of cells from multicellular organisms (comparative embryological and phylogenetic directions of research; the development of the ability of microorganisms to form so-called “functional forms”). Topped the list of the most cited medical researchers of the 2nd half of the 19th century. He introduced the idea that large arteries age early and are the first to rupture in the body. Vikhrov put forward the concept of “occult blood” - blood located inside cellular organelles. The main principle in his theory was the consciousness of the unity of nature of living organisms.