
Virilization (from Latin virilis - male) is a set of processes and medical measures with the aim of changing the psychological and biological sex of a person or animal in accordance with the norm of anatomical gender. This concept is often used by politicians, racists, extremists and certain representatives of medicine, because for these reasons

Virilization is the process by which a woman acquires masculine traits and qualities. In culture and society, virilization is perceived as a negative phenomenon associated with a change in gender identity and an imbalance between masculinity and femininity. However, in some cultures and societies, virilization may be beneficial and necessary to achieve balance and harmony in gender development.

In modern culture, women who want to emphasize their masculinity or strive to match the male style of clothing are often subject to virilization. This can lead to an imbalance between the feminine and masculine aspects of the personality and create problems in personal and professional life. In addition, virilization negatively affects relationships with other people, especially with men, since many people may perceive such behavior as disrespect or aggression. Virilization, despite all the contradictory nature of its existence, still takes place in our world. For example, many women seek control over their bodies, which causes them to contract their muscles, thereby taking away some of the estrogen and adopting more typical masculine characteristics. Some young men start using steroids to develop a more massive body - this is also a consequence of the search for strong masculinity. You may ask, why do girls do this? I can assume that they need this for many of the same reasons as men - to create their own image of a strong and confident person. In addition, it is important not to forget about modern trends and fashion trends - many actors wear a beard and glasses, and these attributes are usually characteristic of men, so it is easier to adjust the entire image to them in order to comply with the logic. Of course, many girls (and men) experience social consequences and call themselves transgender. And here there is no escape from stigmatization and discrimination, but the fact remains that virilization exists, although evidence of it appears extremely rarely.

The older we get, the more we feel the tension around “seed” issues. Deep down in our hearts, we want to belong to some stronger sex, without regard to public opinion and age stereotypes. We want to have the strengths and skills that make us more successful in our business world. But what if we do not have masculine traits or cannot express ourselves through masculinity?

Today we are faced with the trend of virilization - a process where women acquire masculine behavior and character traits, feeling like men. This can happen completely naturally, of course, but many women turn to cosmetics and clothing to enhance their masculinity.

The first question to ask is: do we need masculinity? Traditional societies may impose strict rules on women that force them to submit to a male world. They can behave strictly, restrained and act actively only on the orders of a man. Women's masculinity can cause them to lose their distinctive feminine characteristics and society's gender role expectations.

However, virilization can also be a way of resisting gender stereotypes. Women can adopt masculine traits to cope with the stress, violence and coercion they face every day. Virilization can help them learn to stand up for their rights and resist societal repression.