Influenza B virus

Influenza B virus Influenza B virus - genus B, fam. ortomyxoviridae, causative agent - human influenza

Scientific classification **Superkingdom:** Nuclear **Domain:** Eukaryotes *Kingdom:* Fungi, Plants, Animals _**Subkingdom:**_ True mushrooms, Green plants, Eukaryotic animals ***Division:**_ Nuclear , Orthorychlomycetes __Class:* Viruses ____Order:* Mimidalezopods ****__Family:**__ Orthomyxoviruses ______Genus:__**** Influenza, influenza ----- _ Influenza virus_ *B* (Va) _—* genus ** *B***, family**** Orthomyxoviridae.** Taxonomy of influenza virus: Viruses that belong to the family Myxoviridae and the subfamily Orthomyxovirus of the series family include the family *Orthomyxoviriciridae*. *Gammaherpesvirinae,* and *Panacanthomevirinae* are genera of influenza virus. Influenza A species causes infection and there is* influenza A virus.* Subgroup B includes all known types of influenza virus* coronavirus B.* Humans are susceptible to influenza virus from bacterial species B. *The disease is caused by coronavirus B,* but most are transmitted through infections from pigs and swine. They can also be found in sewage, pig and animal feces. Respiratory coronaviruses have been recognized as one of the main causes of atypical respiratory illnesses in newborns from a few weeks to three years of age. Signs of pathological effects have been found in the lungs of infants and young children, as well as adults. In more severe cases

The influenza virus is one of the most common and dangerous viruses that causes disease in humans and animals. Influenza is an acute infection of the upper respiratory tract that is transmitted by airborne droplets, especially during the cold season. Influenza viruses B, genus B, fam. orthomyxioviruses are causative agents of influenza in humans. The incidence of influenza occurs annually and is mostly accompanied by an epidemic. Epidemics often occur in the off-season and less often in winter. The course of the disease is severe, but goes away in 5-16 days. Among respiratory viral infections, influenza is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases, and the highest incidence rates are observed in the fall. Due to its ability to cause epidemics among people, influenza belongs to the group of quarantine infections. Serious complications of influenza include pneumonia, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, conjunctivitis and tonsillitis in children, glomerulonephritis, hemorrhagic vasculitis and allergic diseases in adults. The primary sign of influenza infection is usually the patient's high body temperature, acute onset of illness, malaise, chills, drowsiness, muscle and joint pain. A characteristic symptom of influenza is a runny and stuffy nose.