Myxoma virus

Myxoma virus is a virus of the genus Lepopoxviruses, belonging to the poxvirus family. It is the causative agent of rabbit myxoma, which is a dangerous disease for these animals.

Rabbit myxoma is an infectious disease that causes the formation of tumors in rabbits. It spreads through contact with infected animals or objects, as well as through blood-sucking insects. Symptoms of rabbit myxoma include tumors forming on the eyes, ears, lips, limbs, and other parts of the body.

Although Myxoma virus is pathogenic for rabbits, its pathogenicity for humans has not been established. However, precautions must be taken when handling infected rabbits and objects to prevent possible transmission of infection.

To date, there is no specific treatment for rabbit myxoma. However, supportive care measures such as antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to improve the condition of infected animals.

Overall, Myxoma virus is a serious problem for rabbit farmers and measures must be taken to prevent its spread. In addition, it is necessary to continue research on this virus to establish its pathogenicity for humans and to develop effective methods of treatment and prevention.