Milk Fever Virus

Milk fever virus is an infectious disease caused by the double-wave meningitis encephalitis virus that affects the central nervous system, liver and other organs. The disease is characterized by fever, headache, vomiting, blurred vision and seizures. A characteristic feature of the disease is its high mortality rate, reaching 30 percent. However, with timely treatment, the disease can be successfully cured. To avoid infection, you should follow basic hygiene rules, take care of personal hygiene and not consume raw milk and dairy products of unknown origin.

Cow coronavirus disease (CWD), or viral milk fever (VMF), is a highly contagious and deadly disease of cattle of all ages, related to an infectious pathology with a transmissible (vertical) mechanism of pathogen transmission.

Viral milk fever. Rarely occurs in cows. Among the methods for diagnosing the disease, rectocervical and direct smears and PCR diagnostics are used. Also, do not forget about allergy tests. Diagnosis of the disease is made within 7 days from the moment the animal is infected. Using veterinary hygiene and anti-epizootic measures, it is necessary to prevent the transmission of the disease among animals.

The causative agent of KMVD is a virus of the family