Human papillomavirus type 16: diagnosis and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. What is the danger of HPV type 16
  2. How does infection occur?
  3. Main manifestations
  4. Diagnostics and tests for HVP 16
  5. Treatment options
    1. Conservative therapy
    2. Removal of type 16 papillomas
  6. Features of prevention
  7. Reviews about the treatment of HPV type 16

Human papillomavirus type 16 is a strain that belongs to one of the 13 cancer-forming strains; more than 70% of cases of cervical cancer are caused by this particular genotype. Cancer often appears in the anus and genital area of ​​both men and women. Once in the body, the papilloma 16 virus will remain there forever. However, timely detection of infection will help localize the pathology and prevent the situation from worsening. Only a responsible attitude towards one’s own health will allow one to avoid the most difficult consequences of the disease. This virus has similar roots to human papillomavirus type 18.

What is the danger of HPV type 16?

Human papillomavirus type 16 is an oncogenic strain that provokes the development of epithelial tumors. Benign formations in this case are transformed into malignant ones. This strain of the virus is found in 95% of patients diagnosed with squamous cell cervical cancer. It affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and genitals, leading to the formation of condylomas, and in an advanced state - carcinomas.

The anatomical structure of the female genitalia is such that infection occurs in the weaker sex much more often, although men, as a rule, are carriers of the disease. However, even the stronger half of humanity may develop complicated conditions - papulosis (plaques) on the penis or skin cancer of the reproductive organ.

Pictured is cervical cancer

The disease is dangerous not only because of its serious consequences, but also because of its hidden nature. Once in the body, papillomavirus type 16 can remain latent for a long time. The patient, unaware of the diagnosis, becomes a carrier of the infection, infecting others.

Official statistics say that over the course of a year, more than 500 thousand women in the world are diagnosed with this strain of HPV.

How does papillomavirus type 16 become infected?

HPV 16 according to the classification refers to diseases transmitted sexually, that is, the main cause of infection is unverified bodily contact. The likelihood of infection at home or vertically (from mother to child) is negligible, although some doctors do not exclude them.

The source of infection with human papillomavirus type 16 in women and men is the epithelial cells of the carrier. It is skin cells, not blood, mucous or other substances. For infection, the skin or mucous membrane of a healthy person must be damaged; a microcrack is enough for the virus to get inside.

After coitus, the partner may not even be aware of the infection; the DNA of the virus is “conserved”, remaining undetected in infected cells. This condition is disrupted when the infected person’s immunity weakens. When the patient’s body weakens, activation of the papilloma virus type 16 in women or men begins.

Decreased immunity is possible due to:

  1. the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. chronic diseases;
  3. concomitant sexually transmitted infections;
  4. hormonal imbalances associated with pathologies or age-related changes, pregnancy;
  5. constant stress and fatigue;
  6. bad habits.
Note! Barrier contraceptives in this case do not provide reliable protection against infection with human papillomavirus strain 16, since contact and unprotected areas of the skin are sufficient for infection. In addition, the size of the pathogen itself is incredibly small, smaller than the latex of contraceptives.

Main manifestations of papillomavirus type 16

As long as the immune system of an infected person is normal, the disease remains “preserved”, and the presence of viral DNA in the body can only be determined by the results of a targeted analysis. No external signs of infection can be detected.

Note! The presence of human papillomavirus type 16 in women can lead to cervical cancer, even if it does not manifest itself, so preventive examinations should not be neglected.

During HPV activation, various symptoms may appear and subside. The patient experiences burning, itching, scanty discharge from the genitals, and difficulty urinating. In this case, the symptoms overlap with other diseases.

The photo shows papillomas type 16

In an advanced state, papillomas begin to appear in the vagina, uterus, and in men, in the anogenital area. The first are benign formations, usually small in size, up to 1 cm in diameter, have a round shape, but the color varies from pale yellow to rich brown. Human papillomavirus type 16 in men can manifest as plaque rashes on the penis. The intensity of the rash depends on how weakened the patient’s immunity is.

In an advanced state, HPV causes mutation in the patient’s epithelial cells, which leads to the development of dysplasia in women, and subsequently to cancer. The pathology is caused by abnormal reproduction of papillomavirus strain 16.

Important! Even if visible symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared, but a man or woman is suspected of infection, it is necessary to pass a series of tests for the presence of the virus in order to identify and stop the infection in time.

Diagnostics and tests for HVP 16

A visual examination by a gynecologist does not allow detection of HPV strain 16 in the latent stage; even symptoms in the subclinical period may be mild. In order to see new formations, you will have to use special equipment - a colonoscope, as well as take a tissue biopsy to determine their nature.

There are other effective methods for diagnosing human papillomavirus genotype 16. The materials for analysis are vaginal smears or scrapings selected by a specialist. The smear may undergo one of several types of examination:

  1. Polymerase chain reaction. Confirms the presence of DNA of a given type of virus in the body. Such an analysis will show the presence of even “conserved” structures. If the test is negative, it is recommended to re-screen after 3 years.
  2. Hybrid capture method and Digen test. It allows not only to detect the presence of infection, but also to find out the degree of its concentration in the body, and this in turn provides information about the likelihood of developing cancer.
  3. Pap test. Detailed examination of a smear from the cervix using stained prints. The test helps determine the current state of the reproductive organ, the degree of development of dysplasia or carcinoma.
On average, examination and laboratory tests will take up to a week. Only after an accurate diagnosis of “papilloma virus 16 in a man or woman” is treatment prescribed.
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Treatment methods for papillomavirus type 16

As already noted, human papillomavirus strain 16 cannot be completely eliminated from the body. The infection will remain latent in the affected cells. In this case, therapy is aimed at eliminating the unfavorable manifestations of infection, removing affected tissue, maintaining strong immunity, which will not allow the disease to develop further. Thus, therapy for human papillomavirus type 16 is divided into two levels: drug treatment, also called conservative, which is aimed at stopping the development of HPV in the body and maintaining immunity; surgical treatment — elimination of unaesthetic tumors on the body.

Conservative therapy for HPV strain 16

For human papillomavirus type 16, in order to contain the dangerous strain, a complex of antiviral drugs is used:

  1. Synthetic interferons to fight the virus. Represented by the following drugs: Normomed, Gropivirine, Isoprinosine or their analogues. The cost of tablets reaches 1,500 rubles (up to 600 hryvnia for residents of Ukraine). Used orally.
  2. Drugs that stimulate the production of your own interferons. Most often prescribed are Cycloferon and Amiksin. The cost of such medicines is quite low: up to 300 Ukrainian hryvnia or 800 Russian rubles.

If the disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes, anti-inflammatory ointments and suspensions for external use may also be prescribed. Acyclovir is used to locally suppress viral infection, Prednisolone has an anesthetic effect, Oxolinic ointment is virusicidal. At a low cost of drugs (in Ukraine from 20 hryvnia per 10 g tube, and in Russia from 53 rubles), the compositions show high efficiency as adjuvants.

Immunity against papillomavirus type 16 is maintained and strengthened not only with the help of medications (Viferon, Grippferon, Cycloferon or other drugs), but also with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes (Teravit, Grovit, Actival Max or others), proper nutrition and compliance with the work regime and rest, moderate physical activity and compliance with all standards of personal hygiene.

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Removal of type 16 papillomas

To remove the affected tissue with human papillomavirus type 16, both traditional and innovative surgical methods are used:

  1. Electrosurgical removal. Destruction of the affected tissue using electric current is a well-tested method, but quite painful. The cost, depending on the volume of removed materials, reaches 700 rubles in Russia or 300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Cryodestruction. Removing tumors using liquid nitrogen, the method does not have a targeted effect, and therefore increases the likelihood of performing an operation in several stages. The price for the procedure can reach 900 rubles in Russia and 300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Laser therapy. It is based on the use of modern equipment, so the cost of the procedure for removing papillomas for type 16 virus reaches 600 Ukrainian hryvnia or 2000 Russian rubles. But at the same time, the patient practically does not feel pain, and the affected area is completely excised.

For large formations, removal is carried out exclusively surgical method. This approach ensures complete destruction of the affected area, but is fraught with the development of complications. The type of surgery is selected based on the patient's general health, the degree of development of the virus, the risk of complications and other factors taken into account by the doctor. The cost of removing type 16 papillomas also depends on this. After surgery, the patient will have to undergo regular preventive examinations to avoid relapses.

Important! When treating human papillomavirus 16 strain, an integrated approach is required. Therapy should be formed after assessing the health status of a gynecologist, immunologist, endocrinologist and oncologist.
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Features of prevention of papillomavirus type 16

Papillomavirus type 16 in women and men can lead to extremely negative consequences. The disease can cause cancer, and it spreads incredibly easily among the sexually mature population. Contraceptives cannot protect against HPV. Therefore, the activities of modern healthcare organizations are aimed at preventing the spread and development of infection.

The most effective methods of preventing the spread of the virus are considered to be educational lectures and the distribution of information leaflets among adolescents entering puberty. Lectures highlight the benefits of monogamy and choosing a reliable sexual partner, and the need for annual preventive examinations.

Some countries have introduced mandatory vaccination against papillomavirus type 16. The developed vaccine does not fight cancer, but only helps prevent infection of the body, so it is recommended to do it before a teenager starts having sex.

Real reviews about the treatment of HPV type 16

Only a few people have a strong enough immune system to cope with this virus on their own. At the same time, the development of this disease entails very negative consequences, so the fight against the disease is the key to health. The situation is such that even if complete recovery is impossible, you should still try to stop the signs of HPV 16. In order to correctly assess the effectiveness of treatment, as well as understand the need for preventive measures, you can study the opinions of specialists and ordinary people who have encountered a similar problem. We invite you to read reviews about the treatment of HPV type 16:

Marina, 32 years old

I was diagnosed with papillomas on the cervix during a colposcopic examination; I did not notice any other manifestations of the virus. The doctor ordered a test that showed infection with type 16 virus. It is very unpleasant to realize that you have a time bomb inside you that can be activated at any moment. I underwent medication treatment and had papillomas removed using laser therapy. Since then I have been more careful about my own health. I plan to undergo regular examinations to avoid unwanted consequences.

Vladimir, 29 years old

Once again, after a severe flu, I noticed small growths in my anal area. Going to the toilet was accompanied by pain, and simply moving around became uncomfortable. He immediately went to the hospital. It turns out that this is a papilloma virus, I could have been infected with it a long time ago, it was simply due to a decrease in immunity that it decided to manifest itself. Of course, I completed the full course of treatment, the papillomas were removed with liquid nitrogen several times. The doctor explained that this virus does not completely disappear and under certain factors it can appear again. I even quit smoking after this, just so as not to weaken my immune system.

Victoria, 41 years old

Where do these viruses come from?! I developed papillomas in the vagina, I personally have not seen them in myself, but there are plenty of terrible pictures of the course of the disease on the Internet. She underwent a course of treatment, but after a while they appeared again. The doctor explained that with HPV type 16 infection this is possible; the second time she removed the papillomas with a laser. I remember antiviral medications, also for maintaining and stimulating the immune system. More than a year has passed without any relapse. Such diseases force you to be more attentive to the state of your own body, give up bad habits and stimulate your immune system as much as possible.

What is HPV type 16 - watch the video:

As you can see, preventive measures are quite simple, but even if HPV 16 is found in a person’s body, it is possible to eliminate the negative consequences of the disease and continue to live a normal life. The main thing is to diagnose the infection in time.

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