Solid and cancerous tumor

When such a tumor occurs, it most often forms from a previous hot tumor, but sometimes it is solid from the beginning. Sometimes it occurs as a result of an impact and quickly becomes hard. Such a tumor is determined by palpation in those people in whom it is possible to reach the liver area by palpation; If such people did not quickly develop dropsy, the tumor would be clearly noticeable. At the same time, the abdominal walls become thinner and weaker, and a semilunar tumor can be seen, and there is no severe pain; the swelling sometimes causes pain at the beginning of eating, but the pain becomes better when hungry. Such a tumor is the path to dropsy. Sometimes it is indicated by very great heaviness without fever, loss of body weight, loss of strength and a gray complexion, as well as the fact that urine becomes scanty, sometimes it “appears after signs of a hot tumor. If its signs have disappeared and only heaviness remains, and Difficulty in breathing increased as a result, this indicates that the hot tumor has become hard. Difficulty in breathing and heaviness without fever are signs common to a solid tumor and to blockages; they differ in everything that has been said. A hard tumor is accompanied by dropsy and especially dropsy of the meat ", since the aqueous humor is weakly separated from the chyle, and only the most liquid part of it leaks out. Therefore, aqueous humor flows with the blood through the organs and “watery flesh” and swelling occur. And the thicker part of the aqueous humor is sometimes also directed into the abdominal cavity, as we will say about this when talking about dropsy, and “skin dropsy” occurs. Patients in most cases die due to the dissipation of natural strength, because the passages to the liver are blocked and the strength of the patients is dissipated. Such patients are treated only at the beginning of the disease and treatment is sometimes successful, but if the disease has prolonged, treatment does not help.

If a solid tumor is cancerous, and the sensation of pain is stronger, then the damage manifests itself in complexion, loss of appetite and other signs to a greater extent; Sometimes a cancerous tumor causes hiccups and nausea without fever. “If pain is not felt, then the tumor has taken the path of killing the organ. Know that the liver quickly undergoes blockage and petrification, especially if thickening and astringent substances are used in excessive quantities when the tumor is hot.