Atticotomy (Atticotomy)

Atticotomy is a surgical operation that is performed to remove cholesteatoma located in the ear cavity. Cholesteatoma is abnormal growth of skin cells in the ear that can destroy surrounding tissue and bone, causing serious hearing and balance problems.

An athycotomy is a type of limited mastoidectomy, a procedure that removes diseased bone and tissue from the ear cavity. Unlike a total mastoidectomy, which removes the entire mastoid process (the bone that forms the back wall of the ear), an atgicotomy removes only the top part of the mastoid process, known as the attic.

During an athycotomy, a small incision is made behind the patient's ear to provide access to the ear cavity. The surgeon then removes the diseased tissue from the attic using special instruments. After cholesteatoma is removed, the attic is filled with soft tissue to prevent cholesteatoma from reoccurring.

Athycotomy can be performed as a separate procedure or in combination with other surgical interventions, depending on the nature of the lesion and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Although athycotomy is considered a relatively safe procedure, like any surgical procedure, it can have certain risks and complications. These include bleeding, infection, hearing and balance problems.

Overall, atgicotomy is an effective treatment for cholesteatoma and can help patients regain hearing and balance. However, before you decide to undergo this procedure, you need to discuss all the possible risks and benefits with your doctor and make an informed decision.

Atticotomy is a surgical procedure to remove cholesteatoma, which is a type of mastoidotomy. Cholesteatoma is a deposit of cholesterol and other substances on the eardrum that can lead to infection and other complications.

An atticotomy is performed through an incision in the ear, which allows the surgeon to gain access to the affected area. The surgeon then removes the cholesteatoma and any other deposits that may be causing the infection.

This operation requires a highly qualified surgeon and the use of modern equipment. However, with an atticotomy, serious complications such as hearing loss or infection can be avoided.

Overall, atticotomy is an important procedure in the treatment of cholesteatoma and other ear diseases. It removes deposits and prevents further complications.

In recent years, skin rashes have become increasingly diagnosed. It takes on different shapes and sizes. Rashes can appear not only on the body, but also on the face, mucous membrane of the mouth, ear and eyes. Such formations are called atypical acne, or hyperergic dermatitis. The disease is associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands on the skin and the activity of specific microflora. The disease is equally likely to occur in adults, children and adolescents. The main causes of the problem are the use of inappropriate cosmetics, dysfunction of the nervous system, poor nutrition, and the active development of pathogens of fungal and bacterial etiology. The disease is characterized by unpleasant symptoms and a high risk of complications, and therefore requires constant medical supervision and