Human papillomavirus type 18: how it manifests itself and how to treat it

The content of the article:
  1. General information about the virus
  2. Who can become infected with HPV type 18
  3. Characteristic manifestations
  4. Diagnostic features
  5. Treatment options for HPV type 18
    1. Drug therapy
    2. Destruction of papillomas type 18
  6. Reviews about the treatment of HPV type 18

Human papillomavirus type 18 is a strain with a high risk of transforming growths into cancer. This type is similar to HPV type 16. Pathogenic microorganisms harm human health, even while in a latent state. Medical statistics show that the likelihood of developing cancer in people infected with HPV 18 strain for more than 5 years, even if the infection is in a latent state, increases 60 times. And if microorganisms have been in the body for more than 20 years, then the risk of malignant degeneration of papillomas increases 100 times. The terrifying statistics leave no one indifferent. It is extremely important that women and men are familiar with the specifics of this disease, the problems of infection and methods of prevention, and if a strain is detected, they begin treatment immediately.

General information about human papillomavirus type 18

Human papillomavirus genotype 18, like HPV type 39, belongs to the group of cancer provocateurs. You should not assume that once it enters the body, it will immediately begin its harmful effects. With good immunity, the DNA of the pathogen will remain in the cells without manifesting itself. Microorganisms are not able to reproduce on their own, so when activated they change the process of cell division. It is during these transformations that the patient develops new formations that threaten malignant pathologies.

Scheme of cervical dysplasia

You need to understand that cancer of the cervix and external genitalia with HPV 18 is an extreme stage of the development of pathogenic processes. This strain initially provokes other abnormalities, for example, dysplasia or cervical neoplasia. At the same time, one should not panic prematurely if during examinations this particular strain of the virus was discovered in a woman.

Despite the fact that modern medicine does not completely remove the papilloma 18 virus from the body, effective therapy makes it possible to restrain its development and maintain the patient’s normal functioning.

Who can become infected with HPV type 18?

This disease belongs to the group of sexually transmitted infections, that is, the most common method of infection is sexual (also HPV type 68). If, say, human papillomavirus type 18 is detected in a man, then with an 80% probability the same pathogen will be detected in his partner, regardless of gender. Infection occurs through the skin; microorganisms are so small that they are transmitted from the carrier even through microcracks.

Despite the fact that HPV 18 is classified as a sexually transmitted disease, doctors still warn about the likelihood of infection in other ways:

  1. In everyday life - through the use of hygiene items, cutlery, and other personal items;
  2. From mother to baby during the passage of the birth canal;
  3. In public places - baths, saunas, swimming pools.

Once in the body, human papillomavirus (HPV) strain 18 can be suppressed by the host’s immune system for a long time. However, as soon as the protective functions decrease, the pathogen is activated, unpleasant growths are formed with subsequent complications.

Provoke this development:

  1. inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. presence of concomitant infectious diseases;
  3. chronic illnesses;
  4. decline in the functioning of the immune system;
  5. hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy or menopause.

Thus, people of reproductive age are at risk of becoming infected with human papillomavirus type 18, especially those who often change sexual partners, do not use contraception, as well as people with weakened immune systems.

Note! Barrier contraceptives themselves cannot protect against infection with type 18 virus, since microorganisms easily penetrate the pores of latex or unprotected areas of the body. However, such drugs are effective in protecting against a number of other serious diseases that can undermine a person’s immunity, and therefore provoke the activation of HPV genotype 18.

Characteristic manifestations of papillomavirus strain 18

Human papillomavirus type 18 in women can remain latent for a significant period of time, and can appear within a few years. In only 7% of those infected in the first 5 years, it leads to noticeable problems with the cervix; in most cases, the disease develops gradually and goes through several stages:

  1. initial stage. It occurs without visible symptoms and lasts from several months to several years after infection.
  2. Exacerbation. Neoplasms are actively developing and increasing in size. In women, a gynecologist during examination may detect a bumpy surface of the vagina.
  3. Progression. The growths increase to critical sizes, associated symptoms are itching, burning of the genitals, spotting, constant fatigue and systematic weight loss. Even pain in the back and legs may indicate a similar disease.

The photo shows papillomas type 18

Growths with papillomavirus type 18 in women, as a rule, appear on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, in men - on the shaft of the penis and in the anus.

The most common forms of formations are:

  1. Warts. The round neoplasms are reddish in color and slightly rise above the surface.
  2. Papillomas. Small flesh-colored growths with HPV 18 appear in the genital area, but can also form in the armpits.
  3. Condylomas acuminata. Papillary-like growths in the genital area are pink or flesh-colored and can bleed when damaged; these are the types of papillomas with type 18 virus that have a high oncogenic factor.

A visual examination of the genital organs will allow a specialist to identify a number of disorders, but additional tests must be performed to determine the strain of the virus in the body.

  1. Read also about folk remedies for oral use for papillomas

Features of diagnosing papillomavirus type 18

Taking into account the asymptomatic nature at the initial stage of the disease, the only way to detect this particular strain of HPV is considered to be tests for papillomavirus 18. If the results are negative, and women and men comply with preventive measures, then such tests are sufficient once every 5 years.

When a dangerous strain is activated, even an initial examination by a doctor will show the presence of neoplasms. In some cases, the examination is carried out using special equipment, which will allow not only to examine the tumor in detail, but also to take its tissue for further analysis. Colposcopy is performed by an experienced gynecologist.

To determine the HPV strain, it is necessary to conduct a genotyping test:

  1. PCR - to determine the presence of the virus in the body and its type;
  2. Hybrid capture allows not only to identify the virus, but also to determine its concentration in the body;
  3. Human papillomavirus type 18 in men is also determined using a Pap test, which is carried out by scraping tissue from the genitals.

To prescribe appropriate treatment, blood and urine tests will also be performed to determine your general health. It is necessary to make sure that there is no inflammatory process in the body, and if one is detected, eliminate its cause.

  1. Read also how human papillomavirus type 56 manifests itself in men and women

Treatment options for HPV type 18

After an accurate diagnosis is made, comprehensive treatment is prescribed. The basic course of therapy includes taking medications, as well as local elimination of the manifestations of the disease. Drug treatment of papillomavirus type 18 in women is cytotoxic. In the later stages of the disease, the growths are removed during medical intervention. Excised tissue must be sent for analysis to promptly prevent malignant tumors.

Drug therapy for papillomavirus strain 18

If papillomavirus 18 is diagnosed, treatment will be aimed at stopping the disease; it is impossible to completely remove the infection from the body using modern medicine.

The conservative treatment regimen for human papillomavirus type 18 is as follows:

  1. Antiviral drugs with immunostimulating and interferon modulating effects. The drugs allow you to activate the body’s own forces to fight the virus. Such drugs include Cycloferon, Alokin, Amiksin and others. The drugs are in an affordable price range - from 120 hryvnia (300 rubles), although, of course, there are also foreign analogues with a fairly high cost (from 6,000 rubles or 1,500 hryvnia) - Blastomunil, Zadaxin, Copaxone-Teva.
  2. Antiviral nonspecific therapy to maintain general health. This category of drugs includes complexes of vitamins and minerals (Actival, Bonavit or their analogues Vitakap, Vitam), antihistamines to get rid of skin itching (Fenistil, Fenikit).
To treat papillomavirus type 18 in women, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to normalize the condition of the vaginal microflora. Clindamycin, Trichopolum, Nifurantel and other drugs in the form of tablets or creams may be recommended. Their cost is relatively low - up to 100 hryvnia in Ukraine, 250 rubles in Russia.

Conservative treatment also involves giving up bad habits, moderate physical activity, physiotherapy, and stopping promiscuity.

A drug course for the treatment of papillomavirus strain 18 can last up to 12 months; during this period it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives to reduce the likelihood of re-infection.

Important! Even if patients managed to relieve the exacerbation with the help of competent treatment, it will be necessary to undergo regular examinations in the future to prevent relapse of the disease.

Destruction of papillomas type 18

Often, patients come to the doctor when the human papillomavirus type 18 has already manifested itself in an acute phase, and the person feels discomfort from the new growths that have appeared. In most cases, removal of such growths will be recommended. Surgical intervention in this case is dictated not only by the aesthetic component, but also by the risk of such formations developing into cancer.

The following methods of destruction of type 18 papillomas are available:

  1. Laser. One of the most modern methods allows you to precisely remove individual growths, while avoiding bleeding. The cost of the operation is from 600 hryvnia in Ukraine (from 2000 rubles for Russia).
  2. Cryogenic. The growth is exposed to liquid nitrogen, and the frostbitten area dies. In Russia, cryodestruction of type 18 papillomas costs from 900 rubles, and in Ukraine - from 300 hryvnia.
  3. Electric shock. The traditional method of destruction of tumors is quite painful, but nevertheless effective. Price - from 300 hryvnia, 700 rubles.
  4. Radio knife. Excision of papillomas with type 18 virus is carried out using high-frequency electric wave pulses. The price of the procedure starts from 350 hryvnia (1000 rubles) and depends on the total volume of material removed.
  5. Through surgery. This method is chosen if it is necessary to remove large formations. The cost of the operation will depend on the complexity and volume of work, but in this case you need to be prepared for a long recovery period.

After destruction and proper drug treatment, the likelihood of recurrence of human papillomavirus type 18 decreases by 12%. However, it will be necessary to continue systematic monitoring with a doctor.

Real reviews about the treatment of HPV type 18

Timely treatment of HPV strain 18 significantly reduces the risk of developing pathology and complications. The Internet is replete with advertisements about this or that drug that can overcome this disease. But do not forget that only a competent specialist can make the correct appointments. Most often, the treatment complex includes procedures for removing growths, which are carried out exclusively by medical personnel using specialized equipment. In order to navigate the issue of HPV type 18 therapy, it would be a good idea to study the opinions of patients who have had the experience of actually getting rid of the virus. We present to your attention some reviews about the treatment of human papillomavirus type 18:

Natalya, 35 years old

A very unpleasant disease; not only do papillomas visually look disgusting, but they also cause a lot of discomfort. At first I got rid of them with the help of celandine and pharmaceutical preparations that cause the growth to dry out, but this nasty thing continued to grow. Already in the hospital, with the help of tests, it was possible to find out that I was infected with type 18 virus, which produces these manifestations. Only complex therapy helped me get rid of the problem and avoid fatal consequences. This treatment is more expensive, but the costs fully justify the goal.

Stepan, 42 years old

I wanted to get rid of a wart, and the analysis showed that I had papillomavirus type 18. I was very surprised by this fact, because I did not notice any symptoms of the virus in my body. But I was very glad that this disease was detected at an early stage and treated with medication. I took all the medications for a year, and even after that the doctor insists on periodic check-ups. But it’s better than surgery or unwanted consequences.

Snezhana, 38 years old

She underwent treatment for HPV type 18 for 6 months. I had multiple genital warts on the cervix. They caused a lot of inconvenience, bled and led to a complete refusal of sexual activity. Antiviral and immunostimulating drugs were prescribed. And I removed the growths themselves using a cryogenic method, I read that it is loyal and reliable, and the percentage of relapse after it is lower. Several years have passed and I have not had any further manifestations. Sometimes I take tests during a general medical examination, purely for myself. I really don’t want to be infected with this disease again.

What is HPV type 18 - watch the video:

Genotype 18 is one of the dangerous strains of HPV, and therefore requires immediate treatment from the patient and subsequent maintenance of normal health. If the problem is ignored, women may develop cervical cancer, and men may develop cancer in the anogenital area. For timely detection of papillomavirus type 18, it is recommended to regularly test for the presence of the pathogen, and if the result is negative, undergo vaccination. Specially developed vaccine formulations reduce the risk of HPV infection.

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