Vichy against hair loss for women

Today there are many remedies for hair loss. However, not all of them are effective. How not to get lost in this variety of shampoos and make the right choice?

We bring to your attention a professional Vichy series for hair loss. We will talk about the latest developments of this company that help fight baldness, describe in detail the composition of each product and much more.

1 Why Vichy

Hair loss is a common problem among both women and men. Studies have shown that baldness is often associated with the process of compaction of collagen that surrounds the hair follicle. Exposure to unfavorable factors leads to hardening of this substance. As a result, blood circulation deteriorates. The hair begins to lack nutrients and vitamins. This is why hair falls out. Vichy specialists have found a way to treat this problem. The anti-hair loss products they developed have already proven their effectiveness.

Patented developments against alopecia in women of the Vichy brand include: aminexil, SP94. As a result of scientific work, the company's employees created the aminexil molecule, which prevents the compaction of collagen near the hair follicle. Therefore, the hair receives a sufficient amount of nutrients and becomes stronger. Aminexil was later combined with another drug molecule, SP94, to further improve the drug's action.

2 Vichy against baldness

The DERCOS line from Vichy is designed specifically against hair loss. However, judging by the reviews, for many, these drugs help balance the work of the sebaceous glands, restore the structure of the curls and make the roots strong. It includes the following cosmetics for women: aminexil ampoules, tonic shampoo, restorative mask. You will learn more about the properties of each product below.

3 Ampoules of aminexil in the fight against alopecia

Vichy ampoules are used to treat local or progressive baldness. They are suitable for all skin types. One package contains eighteen capsules with an effective drug. The active components of dercos aminexil ampoules prevent collagen from hardening near the hair follicle, stimulate hair growth, make it elastic and soft. The course of treatment lasts six weeks. However, after three weeks you will notice a positive effect. The drug is instantly absorbed and dries. The quality of Vichy ampoules has been confirmed by international trichologists and dermatologists.

4 Regrowth of strands thanks to Vichy neogenic

If the previous remedy fights the root cause of baldness, then vichy neogenic ampoules restore the growth of curls. The capsules contain stemoxidine (5%) and the previously mentioned SP94. The stemoxidine molecule normalizes the functioning of the cells that form the strands. And the SP94 molecule is responsible for the formation of healthy and strong hair. The course of treatment with Vichy ampoules is three months, one capsule per day.

According to the results of the study, about two thousand new hairs grow in a month thanks to this product.

5 Shampoo series Dermos from Vichy

The drug contains substances such as aminexil, vitamins B and PP, thermal water. Does not cause allergies. After using the shampoo, the strands become strong and strong, and hair loss stops.

How to use Vichy shampoo correctly? The product is applied to damp curls with massaging movements. In order to enhance the effect of the active ingredients, you can leave Vichy shampoo on your head for literally two minutes. After the time has passed, remove the drug with water.

You can use such cosmetics constantly. Moreover, it is perfect for both girls and boys. Fans of this product especially appreciate it for its enchanting floral-fruity aroma, which lasts on the strands for a long time.

6 Balm for curl growth

Dercos Densisolutions thickening restorative balm is designed for thinning and thinning hair. The drug contains active ingredients such as rhamnose and phyloxan. Ramnose improves the balance of the scalp and strengthens the structure of the strands. The phyloxan molecule can penetrate deep into the hair and binds it to proteins, increasing its strength. Eighty percent of consumers noted a noticeable increase in hair thickness already in the second week of using the conditioner.

7 Vichy serum Dercos Densisolutions

The composition of the medicinal substance includes stemokidin (5%) and resveratrol. We have already talked about the role of stemoxidine in the process of hair growth. But resveratrol is known as a strong antioxidant that enhances the effect of the first active component. The serum is in the form of a spray.

The drug has a pleasant aroma with notes of mint, ginger and lemongrass. Before applying the product, divide your hair into four partings. Spray the serum onto the roots of each section. In two weeks your hair will become fuller.

8 Mask for restoring strands of the Derkos series

A mask with strengthening ceramides and three nourishing oils restores weak curls and returns their natural shine. The composition is hypoallergenic, so the drug is suitable for any skin type. Almond, nutmeg rose and safflower oils contribute to the restoration of strands. Hair receives nutrition thanks to a large amount of ceramides and amino acids. After using this product, your strands will become soft and shiny. In addition, the mask significantly facilitates the combing process.

9 Other Vichy hair products

The company specializes not only in the treatment of baldness. Vichy has many effective products for the care of dry and damaged hair, oily scalp, against dandruff and for all hair types. Vichy is also known for its cosmetics for face and body care: lotions, tonics, creams.

One of the effective methods of combating hair loss are Vichy ampoules, which are products of the Vichy brand, which are probably popular everywhere. Hair care products from this manufacturer invariably receive ecstatic responses from professionals and experts.

Vichy Dercos ampoules have a rare composition, which is based on the NEOGENIC Vichy Dercos formula, which protects hair from loss and stimulates its growth. This remedy is successfully used against hair loss, both in beautiful ladies and in the male population. The excellent effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by its use against androgenic alopecia, diffuse alopecia, baldness due to hormonal and endocrine disorders.


First of all, it should be noted that Vichy Dercos ampoules are created using water from a thermal spring in the French town of Vichy. This reservoir is of natural volcanic origin. Over the thousands of years of existence of the water source, it has been saturated with a huge amount of useful microelements and minerals. The use of such a rich aqueous composition in the production of cosmetic products makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the finished products several times.

The main active ingredient in Vichy Dercos ampoules is aminexil; it contains a 1.5% solution. Thanks to its effect, the hardening of collagen at the base of the hair root is prevented. This in itself helps to increase blood circulation in the scalp and restore skin tissue. But in addition, the roots of the hair are strengthened, and by increasing their elasticity and flexibility, fragility of the hairs at the base is prevented. As a result of the influence of aminexil, the life cycle of hairs is extended, and all vital processes of the follicles are stabilized.

The SP94 component included in Vichy Dercos ampoules contains vitamin E and glucose. Due to this, the hairs are actively nourished from the very roots to the tips. This enhances the vitality of the hairline and returns the hair to a healthy appearance.

The presence of arginine helps to increase active capillary blood circulation in the hair follicles. Due to increased blood flow, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the bulbs. This promotes increased hair growth.

Vitamins PP and B6 restore strands from the inside, and at the same time help nourish the hair follicles and scalp.

All together, the components of Vichy Dercos eliminate the main causes of hair loss, increase blood supply and nutrition to the follicles, stimulate the growth of new hair, and strengthen existing hairs.

Vichy ampoules are characterized by a light floral-herbal scent, but the aroma does not cause an allergic reaction even among allergy sufferers. The ease of use of ampoules is due to their non-greasy liquid structure. Thanks to this, the product is well distributed over the skin surface and absorbed without having time to spread.

Who can use it?

Vichy Dercos ampoules against hair loss can be used for any type of baldness. Regardless of the cause of hair loss, the active components of the product will help strengthen the hair roots. Of course, if baldness is caused by serious diseases, ampoules will not eliminate the negative factor. But they will not allow hairs to fall out while the true cause is identified and eliminated.

Due to the absence of parabens and aggressive components, Vichy Dercos ampoules can be used against hair loss even with hypersensitive scalp. They do not cause allergic reactions and have no side effects.

How to use?

Vichy ampoules are very convenient to use. The manufacturer has taken care of ease of application; the ampoules come with a convenient applicator tip made of white bronze that provides a massage effect. Due to this, the product is applied very simply, and the massage effect promotes relaxation, which makes the procedure more pleasant. The dispenser will not allow you to overuse the product, which makes the ampoules economical to use.

Directly for use, you need to remove the cap from the ampoule and put on the dispenser tip. Clean, dry hair should be parted and the healing composition should be applied to the scalp using a dispenser. You can rub the liquid a little into your scalp. After completing application, it is recommended to do a light massage of the scalp.

There is no need to rinse the composition of Vichy Dercos ampoules from your hair. Since the liquid does not contain oils, there is no greasy shine. The product is well absorbed, and the subtle pleasant aroma allows you to do normal styling after application, ignoring rinsing off the “medicine”.

Duration of use

If hair falls out very profusely, it is recommended to use Vichy Dercos ampoules daily, one piece at a time. The course of treatment is six weeks.

After eliminating intense baldness, it is advisable to follow maintenance therapy for another six weeks, using one ampoule three to four times a week.

In order for the results to last as long as possible, experts advise the preventive use of Vichy ampoules. To do this, you should use ampoules for six weeks every six months.

If there is pathological hair loss, thinning of hair due to sensitivity to androgens, or a hereditary predisposition, then ampoules can be used constantly.

An important nuance of using Vichy Dercos ampoules against hair loss is that the maximum break between course sessions should be no more than one day. If you use the product at a large interval, the effectiveness of treatment decreases significantly.


Most consumers note in their reviews that the first results become obvious already in the second week of use. As for the manufacturer, he states that to completely stop hair loss, you need to use Vichy Dercos ampoules for at least three months.

Clinical trials of the ampoules showed that in one month of use in hundreds of men of different ages, whose alopecia had already reached the fourth stage, the following results were achieved:

  1. hair loss slowed down significantly – 78%;
  2. hair began to recover – 87%;
  3. hair structure improved – 83%;
  4. strands became stronger – 77%;
  5. hair softened – 89%;
  6. volume appeared - 70%.

Consumer tests showed that 92% of people who used Vichy Dercos anti-hair loss ampoules were satisfied with the results. At the same time, when using other ampoule products, there were slightly fewer positive reviews - only 67% received the desired effect.

If we highlight the main properties of Vichy Dercos ampoules, their list will look something like this:

  1. increased blood circulation and saturation of the bulbs with nutrients;
  2. improvement of hair structure;
  3. stopping hair loss;
  4. activation of hair growth;
  5. awakening “sleeping” follicles;
  6. overgrowth of bald spots and bald spots;
  7. thickening of the hair shaft;
  8. giving hair silkiness, shine and strength;
  9. easier combing and styling;
  10. returning your hair to a healthy look.

Vichy Dercos ampoules are rightfully considered one of the best drugs against hair loss. Although there are, of course, negative reviews about the drug. But if you look into their causes, it most often turns out that hair loss is caused by serious diseases. Therefore, if Vichy ampoules do not achieve the desired result, then you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests to identify the true provoking factor.

Greetings, dear readers. Recently, a friend complained that her hair was falling out a lot. In the morning there are a lot of them on the pillow and whole strands remain on the comb. Yes, hair loss is a serious problem for many. I myself struggled last year, but somehow it went away on its own. But now I decided to devote an article to means that 100% help in the fight against this problem. Namely, Vichy products against hair loss for women - I will also provide reviews for your reference.

Why is hair falling out rapidly?

On average, we lose up to hundreds of hairs from our body per day. New ones grow to replace them. When everything happens within normal limits, we don’t even notice this process. If hair growth slows down or hair loss increases, this can lead to alopecia or baldness.

The main reasons for rapid hair loss:

  1. Lack of iron in the body, which can be a consequence of abuse of various newfangled diets.
  2. Exposure to very low or very high temperatures. Most often, these consequences are felt by those who like to walk on a frosty day without a hat.
  3. Violation of hormonal levels in the body.
  4. Reaction to certain drugs. These include some antidepressants, contraceptives, and antihypertensive drugs.
  5. Stress.
  6. Poor immunity.
  7. Infectious diseases of the scalp.
  8. Insufficient blood supply to hair follicles, etc.

In general, treating hair and scalp is a long process. It is clear that you want instant results. So that with one wave of a magic wand everything will be decided. But this only happens in a fairy tale. In real life things are different.

In a month, new hair will grow only 1-1.5 cm. This is the anatomy and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, we must be patient and grow our hair 🙂

The Vichy company has developed very effective products against hair loss. There is a main active remedy - these are Dercos Aminexil pro ampoules. And as an additional product, a tonic shampoo is offered. Let's look at them in order.

Vichy Dercos Aminexil Pro ampoules

This product is suitable for both men and women. If you notice that there is too much hair left on your comb, this is your salvation.

INTENSIVE 5, anti-hair loss product for women, Vichy

The main active ingredient in ampoules is Aminexil. It combats the hardening of collagen in hair follicles. It also restores hair health and prevents hair loss. Many leading dermatologists recommend Vichy ampoule therapy for hair loss.

You can see noticeable results within 2 weeks. “Shedding” is reduced by 72%. About 86% of consumers emphasized that their hair became thicker and stronger. The side effect is dizzying volume and brilliant shine 🙂


Vichy Aminexil ampoules for hair reviews

I was very impressed by the reviews about this product. Read for yourself.

Alice: A wonderful tool. I noticed that the strands stopped falling out, and my hair began to grow better. His price is, of course, high. But it's better to pay than to be bald))

Tanya: I've been using it for a week now. I can’t say that the shedding has completely stopped. But they no longer fall out in shreds, as they did before.

Alyona: This is not the first time I have been saved by this miracle remedy. After the first few procedures, hair loss stops. And the product has a pleasant smell. I use ampoules along with shampoo. Only 2 weeks have passed, I will continue to use it

Sonya: I thought that after giving birth I would go bald. I decided to try this vaunted remedy on myself. After just a week, I noticed that the intensity of the hair loss had decreased significantly.

Lyudmila: Whole strands remained on the comb after each combing. I used these capsules with Dercos shampoo and drank fish oil. The fall has stopped. Only the density has not returned. I don't know what to do now

How to use

Vichy dercos aminexil pro ampoules are sold in packs of 12 or 18 pieces. There are instructions on the back of the box that tell you step by step how to use it. Also included is an applicator - a cap with a rubber “spout”. The volume of each ampoule is 6 ml.

The treatment course lasts 6 weeks at the rate of 1 ampoule per day. If it’s really bad, after the end of the main course you can continue additional therapy for another 6 weeks. During this period, I recommend performing procedures not daily, but 2-3 times a week.

The serum itself is a non-sticky solution with a consistency similar to water. Smells a little like alcohol. The shelf life of the elixir is 36 months. After opening the ampoules, the serum cannot be stored because Aminexil will evaporate.

  1. Place the applicator on the ampoule.
  2. Screw it all the way. There is a hard protrusion inside the applicator: when twisted, it will cut through the cap of the ampoule.
  1. Apply the serum to your partings in a zigzag motion. Hair should be clean, dry or damp.
  2. Gently massage your scalp.

The serum evaporates quickly, leaving no greasy shine on the hair. Don't skimp: don't split 1 ampoule into several doses. Remember: 1 ampoule – 1 procedure. If you do not use the entire ampoule, then the next day the active substance will have evaporated and there will be no benefit from such savings.

I also found a video instruction:

And to enhance the effect, I advise you to perform the darsonval procedure. Just wait until the elixir is completely absorbed and the strands dry. Alcohol present in the serum may adversely affect the operation of the device.

And also, under no circumstances wash your hair within 12 hours after applying the serum! The effect will disappear.

It would also be a good idea to take vitamins or dietary supplements with a high zinc content. It is the main building material of hair. But before taking, consult your doctor!

Additional Information

  1. Dercos Aminexil Pro is perfectly absorbed. After applying this serum, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer if you wish.
  2. Do not be afraid to use medications during pregnancy and lactation. The active ingredients are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so your baby is not in danger.
  3. No withdrawal symptoms. There are no hormone-like substances in Vichy cosmetics. Russian legislation has prohibited the use of hormones in cosmetics since 1998. Therefore, withdrawal syndrome is impossible.
  4. Although the first positive results are visible after 2-3 weeks, it is better not to stop there. A lasting result will be achieved only 1.5 months after starting to use Dercos Aminexil Pro. Sometimes it may take 3 months.
  1. Often, hair thinning occurs simultaneously with hair loss (the follicle enters the “resting” phase). In this case, you need to stop the shedding first. That is, use Dercos Aminexil Pro for 1.5 months. Then stimulate new hair growth with Dercos Neogenic. But that’s another story about Vichy ampoules for hair growth.

Anti-hair loss shampoo Vichy Dercos

This shampoo is classified as a product with a supporting effect. It is best used as an additional remedy for ampoule therapy. The main purpose is weakened and brittle hair, as well as intense hair loss. Can be used by both women and men. Vichy Dercos shampoo is sold in stylish bottles. Volume – 200 ml. This cosmetic product is a pearly white gel. Foams well and rinses out of hair well.

Toning shampoo against hair loss, Vichy

78% of users noted that after 3 weeks of use, their hair became much stronger. Also, 76% of consumers shared that during the same 3 weeks, weakened hair came back to life. They sparkled with a luxurious shine. This shows how excellent Vichy products against hair loss work - the reviews only confirm this.

The active component is again aminexil. It prevents collagen from compacting around the hair follicle and enhances the fixation of hairs in the skin.

Only the concentration of the active component in the shampoo is low. Therefore, if there is excessive hair loss, it may not be effective. Therefore, with severe shedding, ampoule therapy is required.

Vichy shampoo for hair loss reviews

Reviews from those who have tried the products themselves will tell you a lot about the effectiveness of this product.

Tatiana: I noticed that once a year my hair begins to fall out intensively. As soon as I see the first signs of impending trouble, I immediately buy this product. You don't have to wait long for results. After just a few uses, shedding stops J.

Sasha: Shampoo doesn't help me. I've been washing it for 2 weeks now and there's no result.

Lisa: I tried a lot of different remedies. Most of them were ineffective. But after carefully studying the reviews, I decided that I would buy this shampoo. And I didn’t regret it. After several weeks of use, only 5, or at most 10 hairs fall out per day. Well, this is the norm. I am pleased.

Mila: The hair stopped falling out. You won't get stuck here. But at the roots they became terribly greasy. It looks like it's been smeared with oil. And my scalp really hurts. I was afraid to continue using this shampoo. I found a suitable option for myself. I wash it 1-2 times a week with this shampoo, the rest of the days with a soothing, sulfate-free shampoo. And I nourish the ends of my hair. Now my hair is shiny! Everyone thinks I dyed my hair 🙂

Lyudmila: There is no need to hope for a miracle after the first use. The product should start working. I appreciated all the charms of the shampoo only after I used the entire bottle. My hair stopped coming out in clumps. I also liked the side effect - my hair stays fresh and clean for longer. A nice bonus is that they began to grow faster. I'm impressed with the result.

How to use Vichy Dercos

  1. Apply just a little toning shampoo to damp strands.
  2. Massage gently.
  3. Leave this product on for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Rinse your hair.

With any shampoo you need to use hair conditioner. Vichy Dercos shampoo is no exception. Why do you need balm? Shampoo only washes away dirt from the hair and nourishes the hair follicles. But without balm, the hair scales remain open, so the fibers are susceptible to injury. Therefore, we nourish and strengthen the ends.

For the best effect, I recommend alternating Vichy Dercos toning shampoo with Aminexil against hair loss and Vichy Dercos Neogenic shampoo to increase hair thickness. These cosmetics are intended for everyday use. You can use it alternately. The first day is Vichy Dercos toning shampoo, and the second day is Vichy Dercos Neogenic, etc.

Where is it more profitable to buy

I order Vichy products on the official website of the manufacturing company I will list 5 reasons why it is more profitable to buy from the Vichy online store:

  1. With every order they give gifts. These are free samples of a new line or already known series of products. So nice!
  2. When making purchases, bonuses are awarded under the program. Then they can be exchanged for a wide variety of prizes: free flights, equipment, toys, etc.
  3. There is free delivery to any region of Russia (for orders over 2000 rubles)
  4. They often hold great promotions for one or another product line. I recently placed a small order and, in addition to a sample, they also added Vichy Normaderm micellar makeup remover lotion for free.
  5. Guaranteed storage conditions. It is on the official website that you will not be sold counterfeit or expired goods. All products are stored in a warehouse before being delivered to the buyer. Here it is provided with proper storage conditions.

That's why I always order Vichy products only on the official website. Here are links to ampoules and shampoo: