Vitamins for facial skin in injections

Several years ago I was recommended this procedure to nourish my skin after frequent flights. Let's figure out who is suitable for mesotherapy?

  1. For those who have dry skin.
  2. For those who often fly on airplanes.
  3. For those who smoke.
  4. For those who want to get rid of age spots.
  5. For those who have problems with acne or post-acne.
  6. For those who are dissatisfied with the condition of their skin depending on the season (spring and autumn are considered the time of vitamin deficiency).

The injection contains vitamins, so first the cosmetologist takes an anamnesis and finds out if you have allergic reactions to certain substances. Then, after analyzing the age-related characteristics of the skin and the main tasks, he selects an individual complex.

How it all happens (personal experience): The mesotherapy procedure took a few minutes and, despite concerns, turned out to be painless. Before the injection, an anesthetic gel was applied to my skin, then a vitamin solution was injected under the skin with a syringe with a very thin needle. The sensations are not the most pleasant, but tolerable. In my case, the emphasis was on a whitening complex with fruit acids in the composition.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova, cosmetologist:

— Skin aging begins after 24 years, so mesotherapy is used already from 25. Depending on the components, mesotherapy nourishes, moisturizes, fills the skin with amino acids and minerals, and stimulates rejuvenation. If a person does not have allergies, then we usually use a complex that includes more than 20 vitamins. Almost all complexes include hyaluronic acid. It varies in density depending on the client’s age: the older the skin, the denser the preparation should be.

What happens after the procedure (personal experience): Yes, hylauronka was also part of my complex. The thought of aging skin is not very happy, but at that moment I was most worried about whether the marks would remain, since I was getting ready for work the next day.

Red dots remained at the injection sites, which disappeared two hours after the procedure. Luckily, there were no bruises. The cosmetologist did not recommend applying concealer or makeup right away, so it’s better not to plan anything on the “mesotherapy day.” If you make injections in the spring or summer, during the period of active sun, then immediately after the procedure apply a cream with a UV protection factor of at least 30.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova:

— Redness usually goes away within an hour or two, and bruises, if treatment with ointment is started on time, disappear within a week. Mesotherapy is carried out in a course of 7 to 10 procedures, once every 7-10 days. Further according to indications: once every 3 months or once every six months. As a result, the quality of the skin improves, a glow appears, and the skin becomes more elastic. Thanks to mesotherapy, it begins to produce its own hyaluronic acid.

Effective or not?

After the first session, I was very happy: it seemed to me that the result was already there. The skin began to look fresher, the pallor was gone.

Before and after the procedure

But this was a short-term effect. It only took hold after the third session. In total, I did five sessions and repeated mesotherapy a year later.

Advantages of the procedure (according to personal feelings):

  1. nasolabial folds become less pronounced,
  2. the skin under the eyes is more toned and elastic,
  3. complexion is more even.

Overall, there was a feeling of denser, more hydrated and youthful skin, although there were no radical changes in appearance, but the complexion became healthier and more radiant.

By the way, mesotherapy is also used in the neck, décolleté and hands. But I don’t plan to carry it out in these zones yet.

Disadvantages of the procedure (for me personally): not a very long lasting effect. That is, I violated the recommendation of specialists and repeated the procedure after a year, and not after 6 months. In general, as always, we come to the conclusion that beauty requires sacrifice and means.

Possible contraindications. Specialist consultation required

With the development of cosmetology, many opportunities have appeared for ladies in the form of comprehensive care for their body, eliminating certain skin imperfections using cutting-edge methods, which can include both gentle and more intensive methods.

Women's intense struggle with signs of aging has led to the development of a number of procedures and complexes for the face, which are injections. Although this method involves penetration through the skin barrier, it is quite effective and fast-acting.

Visual impact of “beauty injections”

Injection cosmetology involves the introduction of various substances that have a specific effect on the skin and eliminate problems for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid

The procedure for introducing this substance by injection has been carried out for quite a long time; it has become very popular among the fair sex for its highly effective action. This is not surprising, since this acid is capable of:

  1. reduce the number of small wrinkles and the depth of more significant ones;
  2. correction of facial contour (chin, cheekbones), eyelids and lips;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, hands, neck, décolleté;
  4. get rid of skin imperfections (acne, post-acne) and rejuvenate it, anti-rosacea properties appear.

For the above purposes, different concentrations of the drug are used, and the depth of administration also varies. The effect is usually noticeable after the first procedure. In this case, the drug Reneall or Princess Rich can be used.

The use of hyaluron-containing preparations is recommended after reaching 35 years of age. Before this, other products containing this acid are used.

To determine how many injections of hyaluronic acid are needed for the face, you should consult with a specialist cosmetologist who will determine further actions and announce the number of sessions. Their number ranges from 3 to 10, for the entire course and directly depends on the places of their introduction and the condition of the skin before the start of the procedures.

Before and after using hyaluronic acid injections

It may be necessary to use more than just injections. Mesotherapy for facial skin involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid using a mesoscooter (there are variations in the length and number of needles on the drum).

Mixtures with the addition of collagen, various vitamin complexes, and amino acids are also used. This is how biorevitalization occurs. The effect lasts from six months to two years, it all depends on individual characteristics. Radiesse, which is close to the natural properties of hyaluronic acid, has a similar effect.


Outwardly noticeable facial rejuvenation occurs with the help of Botox injections (the name of the active substance is botulinum toxin). It is aimed more at sculpting the face than introducing mega-useful substances under the skin to maintain its beauty and youth.

It acts as a blocker of susceptibility to nerve impulses, because of this the muscles lose their increased tone and stop contracting, which results in smoothing out wrinkles. The drug should be used:

  1. if you want to get rid of wrinkles (age-related, facial, for example, around the eyes);
  2. if necessary, tighten the oval of the face (Botox lifting, tightening is provided).

The latter effect can remove jowls on the face, which become obvious in older women. Not recommended for use under 30 years of age.

After the drug administration procedure, it takes up to a week to notice the long-awaited result. The amount of Botox injected depends on the number of wrinkles and the area affected. Bruises do not remain at the injection sites. The youth effect lasts up to six months.

Before and after Botox injections

If lifting without injections is needed, then serums become popular. For example, they include Diamonds as a safe and painless therapy.

Collagen injections

Another popular type of injections that are administered to those who want to get rid of the signs of aging. After all, the amount of this substance in the body directly affects the appearance of the skin. His injections help:

  1. elimination of pigment spots, post-acne;
  2. remove scars and facial wrinkles;
  3. reduce deep wrinkles, eliminate small ones, for lifting.

By replenishing the lack of collagen in the skin, the injection produces an immediate effect that can last up to six months. Although the effect is not particularly long-lasting, such manipulations can stimulate the production of the body’s own substance, which will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin. Recommended for women over 35 years of age. Before this, collagen-containing products are used.

Before and after using collagen injections

Collagen injections lead to elasticity and smoothness of the skin. It is administered through injections into the necessary areas of the face, décolleté, and neck. Both artificial and natural species are used. Moreover, the former can cause allergic reactions, which cannot be said about a natural product.

A small number of injections are used in one course - up to 5. After a while they are given again. Often used as beauty injections for the face after 50 years. A prominent representative is the drug Collost.


Rejuvenation at the cellular level occurs precisely from injections with peptides. If there are skin problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, loss of elasticity (sagging), sessions of introducing this compound are used. Biorevitalization occurs, which is carried out as mesotherapy.

Active influence is aimed at the following processes:

  1. activation of regeneration, skin elasticity, synthesis of intercellular substances;
  2. optimization of antioxidant protection;

For optimal action of peptides on problem areas, you can select targeted products:

  1. for reconstruction of the dermis;
  2. for whitening;
  3. for immunomodulatory and anti-edematous effect (Timalin);
  4. for botulinum-like effects.

It can also be used to get rid of recent acne scars, cure inflammatory processes and heal wounds. Modern fillers contain peptides as the main active ingredient.

Vitamins for facial skin in injections