Vitaon balm Karavaeva in cosmetology

Biologist V.V. Karavaev was a natural scientist. All his life he was engaged in the study of plants and their life-giving power, as well as the creation of balms that help to heal the body and strengthen it at the cellular level. Karavaev paid great attention to the proportions and compatibility of different plants; he wanted to create a unique recipe for a product that, in terms of biological and chemical properties, should be close to blood plasma. The scientist believed that plants are reducers of the acid-base environment in the body, which affects the decrease in the level of toxins in the body. Unfortunately, his work remained within the boundaries of his laboratory, but numerous works and records helped scientists, as well as pharmacists, create and produce balms that are still bought and used by many people in the world.

The effectiveness of the balms of the scientist Karavaev

The effectiveness of these balms does not appear immediately. They have practically no contraindications; the very mild effect of active, plant substances manifests itself positively after a certain time. Of course, it should be understood that their healing properties for complex diseases are only possible in combination with medications and other therapeutic methods.

Types of balms "Vitaon"

There are three types of “Vitaon” balms: “Vitaon. Balm Karavaev”, “Vitaon Lux” and “Vitaon-baby”. Balm "Vitaon" contains only natural ingredients. It contains oil extracts of the following plants: chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips, thyme, mint, wormwood, caraway, pine buds, yarrow, calendula, fennel. It also contains essential combinations of fennel, mint and orange oils.

Actions of balms

Essential oils and herbs, which are part of the "Vitaon. Balm Karavaev" product, have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic properties:

  1. increase bactericidal and immune activity (calendula, rose hips, cumin, essential oils and fennel);
  2. quickly heal wounds, ulcers, burns, cracks (calendula, rose hips, chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, olive and soybean oils, pine, yarrow, celandine);
  3. have a calming, softening and antipruritic effect (yarrow, olive oil, chamomile, St. John's wort and mint);
  4. promote the anti-inflammatory process (pine, St. John's wort, essential oils, rose hips, calendula, yarrow, celandine, chamomile, thyme, mint);
  5. help restore water-fat metabolism of skin cells (fennel, essential oils, mint and olive oil).

Supplier of vitamins to cells

"Vitaon. Balm Karavaeva" helps deliver a balanced complex of vitamins (A, B) to skin cells2, E, R, K, D) and nutrients, as well as microelements that are needed to improve blood circulation in the skin, the level of its regeneration and restoration. There are two types of Vitaon balm:

  1. "Vitaon. Balm Karavaev", which contains soybean oil (blue label);
  2. "Vitaon Lux", which is based on olive oil with an increased concentration of plant extracts (red label).

Gentle care for sensitive baby skin

"Vitaon. Balm Karavaeva. Lux" have a softening and gentle effect on damaged and sensitive skin. Often in life we ​​say the phrases “soft as a baby’s skin” or “soft as a baby’s bottom.” Even newborns have various skin problems. Every mother knows that in order for the baby’s skin to be free from scuffs, diaper rash and other troubles, it is necessary to take care of it correctly and on time. Constant monitoring and knowledge of the necessary preventive measures will help parents in this situation. "Vitaon-baby" is designed specifically for the little ones.

This balm was created to care for the skin of children of different age groups, including newborns. It is used to care for the breasts of a nursing mother. The instructions included with this drug state that this product protects against irritation, protects the skin from diaper rash, moisturizes it and relieves itching. When exposed to Vitaon, wounds, cracks and burns heal quickly. During massages, the use of this balm helps improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, and increases muscle tone. Since the product has an oily structure, it allows the mother or massage therapist to freely slide their hands over the baby’s body. This drug is based on olive oil, to which camphor has been added. Natural extracts of mint, celandine, chamomile, rose hips and yarrow help to significantly improve the condition of a small child's skin. Sometimes parents lubricate the nasal mucosa of their children with it to cure their child of respiratory diseases.

Use of oils in medicine

Oils and herbs that are part of Vitaon have been used for a long time in the treatment of various diseases. They are widely used:

  1. in surgery - wounds, ulcers, burns and cracks;
  2. in dentistry – stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, alveolitis, during prosthetics;
  3. in obstetrics – lactostasis, preventive effect on cracked nipples;
  4. in cosmetology – rejuvenation of sagging skin, healing of plastic surgery, prevention of fading;
  5. in proctology – proctitis, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis;
  6. in dermatology - eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  7. in pediatrics - prickly heat, massage and daily care of baby skin, diaper rash;
  8. in otolaryngology - for tonsillitis, otitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, sinusitis;
  9. in gynecology – candidiasis and cervical erosion.

User reviews

Many people who have used these balms advise always having “Vitaon. Balm Karavaev” in their home pharmacy. Reviews from knowledgeable users indicate the following: the drug is successfully used as an adjuvant in the treatment of viral colds. The abundance of herbs and natural oils gives a pleasant herbal scent, with a hint of mint. Reminds me of Pinosol nasal drops. Once you start using it, you will feel easier breathing almost immediately. In combination with other medicine, the balm helps to last through the winter and not get sick. Reviews about this remedy are also positive from those who have used it for herpes. If a herpes cold appears on your lip, you can smear the area with balm, after three days of use everything goes away. If acne appears, even a single application of balm helps. When your ear hurts due to a cold, you need to heat the oil, lubricate a cotton pad with it and put it in the ear, leaving it for 30 minutes. For abrasions or bruises, you can also use Vitaon.

The balm is also useful for hair. Split ends can be lubricated with Karavaev oil, and after seven days they will noticeably improve their structure. Balm is the best solution to many health problems. The product normalizes metabolism in cells and restores damaged tissue. Its impact is very soft. The action of "Vitaon" is gradual. For severe illnesses, the balm is used only together with basic medications.

How is the product produced?

"Vitaon" is produced in bottles of different volumes: 25 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml. "Vitaon-baby" is available in 30 ml volume. No side effects were identified, except for individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This miraculous drug must be stored away from light, away from children and at a temperature not lower than 5 and not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.

Hello, users of the Obzorka site!

I believe that there is no need to write reviews about medications, and sometimes it is extremely unsafe, since readers of reviews can harm themselves without knowing it, so I think that it is the doctor who should treat and he should also prescribe medications. But as you know, there are exceptions to every rule, and my review is also an exception, since I believe that the object of this review simply cannot harm, since it consists only of herbs.

So, I present to your attention Karavaev’s Balm “Vitaon”.

I came across this balm quite recently. Already at the beginning of the year, when it was cold, my lips became chapped and began to become covered with a small film, which if you touched a little, began to bleed, which means small wounds appeared. At first I struggled with this “scourge” with hydrogen peroxide; if before it helped, in this case it only dried out my lips and nothing more. I even tried folk remedies - I applied an aloe leaf, but that didn’t help either. Then, two days after the start of this “misfortune,” the pharmacy brought me Karavaev’s “Vitaon” balm, which I began to use. I’ll tell you about my impressions below, but now let’s figure out what kind of balm this is.

Balsam Karavaev "Vitaon" is an extract from medicinal plants.

There is a composition on one of the sides of the package.

And here we see that the composition is truly “herbal”. There are only a few herbs in the composition: mint, wormwood, and chamomile. And all herbs are very useful in their own way.

Judging by such a good composition, it means that the spectrum of action should also be large. We also learn about this from the information on the packaging. According to the manufacturer, the herbs and essential oils that are included in this balm have long been used in various fields of both medicine and cosmetology.

Herbs have wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties.

This balm is produced in Moscow by Litomed LLC.

Here we see that the volume of the balm bottle is 25 ml. And this balm costs 132 rubles.

At the bottom of the package there is information about where you can find the expiration date. And on the top of the package there is an emblem and an inscription stating that this is a natural remedy.

Now we look at the bottle itself, the composition is once again stated there, and there we find that the shelf life of the balm is until October 2017. The balm is used quite sparingly, the shelf life is very good, you can use it for more than a year.

The bottle is made of tinted glass and has a simple screw cap. It is also additionally closed with a special little thing that prevents leakage in an inclined position. Many medications that have a fatty structure are equipped with such things.

Personally, I applied this balm using cotton swabs, I must say it was quite convenient. I tried applying it with a cotton pad, but in this case the balm quickly became saturated and my fingers became greasy.

The balm itself has a greasy texture, similar to oil, and the color is slightly lighter than regular sunflower oil.

It applies very easily to the skin and lips. The lips feel oily, but after a while it goes away and you feel moisturized and the dryness disappears. It gives the impression of a slight chill; I think this effect is created due to the fact that it contains mint. At first it was not entirely pleasant, but then I even liked the “chill” effect. In general, it is recommended to apply the balm in a thin layer two to three times a day. But I wanted to see the effect much faster, so I used the balm every 1.5-2 hours. I did not notice any allergies or other side effects. But the “misfortune” in the form of chapping began to disappear, the wounds began to heal, and everything finally healed three or four days after the start of use.

I am sure that in other areas the balm also shows brilliant results in the fight against skin problems.

The balm can also be used as a preventive measure to maintain youthful and smooth skin. In this case, the balm perfectly moisturizes the skin and makes it softer. This is an excellent replacement for non-natural creams, but the fat content of the balm can be considered a disadvantage.

More detailed information about the spectrum of action of Karavaev's balm "Vitaon" is written on the insert.

Generally a balm "Vitaon" is available in two types.

Vitaon based on soybean oil (blue label, in this case I have the same one),

Vitaon based on olive oil and with a higher concentration of plant extracts (red label).

The insert also contains folk recipes against colds from Karavaev. Simply put, advertising of other medications.

To sum up my review, I can say that this balm turned out to be very effective and efficient, which cannot be said about all modern drugs.

I was pleased that the written properties of the drug turned out to be real, and not just promises, and I was also pleased with the natural composition. Not all medications can boast of this.

In general, I’m glad that I learned about such an effective drug, in case of problems with the skin or mucous membranes, I know what to use, and I think the result will not be long in coming.

Just don’t expect a quick therapeutic effect from Vitaon, since its effect is mild and gradual. In case of severe lesions of the skin or mucous membranes, the balm is used as an addition to the main, potent drugs.

No side effects of Vitaon were detected. There is only one contraindication: hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the balm.

Vitaon has a pleasant, rich smell, although some people think it is too concentrated.

Since the balm is made on the basis of olive oil, it is absorbed quite slowly and leaves stains on clothes.