How to get rid of sleep wrinkles


The condition of our face may depend on how we are used to sleeping: after all, we create many wrinkles in our sleep.

Sleep and wrinkles

Not all women think about the fact that in our sleep we can create wrinkles on our face, and ones that can be very difficult to get rid of. This article is about what poses lead to wrinkles and how to protect your face from them.

"Tell me how you sleep and I'll tell you what wrinkles you have" - this phrase just begged to come out of my mouth when I first noticed in the mirror a decent wrinkle on my face, clearly formed with the help of my habit of pressing on my cheek in my sleep.

The youth of our face is not eternal, and the first wrinkles appear on everyone sooner or later. Most often, we discover the very first wrinkles unexpectedly and wonder for a long time, where did they come from? The first thought that comes to mind is: “oh my god, I’m getting old”! Of course, with age our skin does not become more elastic, but wrinkles are formed not only from old age - they are also caused by bad facial habits and the positions in which we sleep.

Everyone knows about expression wrinkles, but what We acquire some of the wrinkles in our sleep, few people think about it. But we spend a third of our lives (and for some, almost half) in sleep! That is, if we sleep face down or put our fist under our cheek so that it “slides” almost to the eye, we spend 8-10 hours a day creating wrinkles on our face! Remember, as in Elena Stepanenko’s monologue: “Woman, don’t sleep on your face.” There are many similar sleep positions that lead to the formation of wrinkles. Wrinkles between the cheek and the back of the nose, between the lower lip and chin, wrinkles across the crow's feet, worsening nasolabial folds, as well as various creases of the most bizarre shapes and sizes - most often this is the result of a night's sleep, during which the skin shifts, breaks or flattens.

No amount of creams or exercises will help get rid of these wrinkles if they continue to get worse every night.

You can, of course, use “first aid” remedies - a gentle finger massage with oil or cream in a circular motion along the wrinkle immediately after sleep, as well as a cupping massage with a weak vacuum in a circular or spiral motion along the wrinkle (no more than once a week).

But the best way — learn to sleep in a position in which the face remains smooth and inviolable. Most often, this is sleeping on your back or side so that your head lies not on your cheek, but on the back of your head, or at least on the area between the cheek and the back of your head. Most people prefer to sleep on their stomach, that is, face down, and relearning takes a considerable amount of time and requires persistence. To retrain yourself to sleep in a position that is safe for your face, you need to give yourself such a setting every night before going to bed and control, “check” yourself in your sleep. Some people find that a scarf tied in a knot over their stomach helps, making stomach sleeping uncomfortable and helping them gradually wean themselves off the downward-facing position. In this regard, I remember the film “Memoirs of a Geisha,” where the girls slept with wooden stands under their heads, which allowed them to sleep in only one position, in order to protect their complex hairstyle from creasing. Such extremes, of course, are inappropriate, but we must take conscious control over night sleep and our face into our own hands if we want to maintain the youth and beauty of our face.

It’s rare that a woman seriously thinks about how much trouble wrinkles can create after sleep. If you don’t get rid of the habit of sleeping with your face in the pillow in time, then you risk starting each new day by meeting your rather rumpled reflection in the mirror. Today, the women's club "Those over 30" will talk about which positions are most likely to cause unwanted folds on the face and décolleté. And also share secrets on how to protect yourself from them.

The average person spends between a third and half of their life sleeping. To be precise, for 8 hours a day all we do is create extra wrinkles on our face!

And to the usual types of wrinkles are added folds and creases on the skin of the most amazing shapes and sizes: across the forehead, along the back of the nose, between the chin and lower lip. Some sleeping positions can deepen nasolabial folds and also cause bags under the eyes.

Where do wrinkles on the face after sleep come from?

The constant contraction of the same muscles when a person makes a certain facial expression, for example, laughing or frowning, causes the appearance of facial wrinkles. And due to the loss of elasticity of collagen fibers with age, the skin of the face loses its elasticity and age-related wrinkles form on it. The appearance of both is associated with changes occurring in the skin itself.

But wrinkles on the face after sleep are the result of many hours of contact with a pillow pressed to the face.

Remember how often many of us wake up with our faces buried in it. So much so that the cheek is at the same level as the eye, and the nose is turned to the side.


Day by day, such creases only deepen, and eliminating them is much more difficult than it initially seems. Expression and senile wrinkles can be removed with the help of cosmetic procedures, but morning wrinkles will disappear only after changing your sleeping position.

What positions are best not to take while sleeping in order to protect your face from unnecessary wrinkles? More details about this right now on the website

  1. Sleeping on your stomach with your face in the pillow. Particularly unpleasant after sleep are horizontal wrinkles under the eyes, as well as bags and blue circles, folds on the forehead, transverse crow's feet, and deepening of wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  2. Sleeping on your side. A person spends more than half of his sleep in this position. Over time, by the location of the lines and folds on a person’s face, you can easily determine which side he prefers to sleep on. In this position, vertical creases often form between the cheek and the back of the nose, and nasolabial and eyebrow wrinkles become more noticeable. If you sleep in the fetal position, then after sleep you will see wrinkles in the décolleté area.
  3. Sleep on a large pillow. Sleeping with your head held high promises the formation of wrinkles on the neck and problems with the spine.

How to stop sleeping with your face in your pillow?


The best way to prevent wrinkles from appearing after sleep is to complete refusal of the pillow and sleep in the “lying on your back” position. A pillow, no matter how comfortable it is and no matter how much pleasure it brings during sleep, accumulates a huge amount of bacteria that can cause skin rashes. And those who like to sleep on their stomachs begin to notice with age that their eyelids swell a lot in the morning, because... this position disrupts the normal outflow of fluid during the night.

A number of scientific experiments in this area have shown that the trajectory of a person’s movement in a dream is a spiral. And the presence of a pillow during sleep once again confirms this theory - a person more often turns over from side to side and onto his stomach.

By removing the pillow, you can solve the problem of frequently changing positions throughout the night. But sometimes this measure is not enough to stop a person from sleeping in the wrong position.

Well, you need to be a little smarter. Here are some tips for those who want to learn to sleep on their back:

  1. Use a bolster under your neck or knees. Even if you turn into a different position that is uncomfortable for sleeping with a roller, your body will instinctively return to its original position. Gradually you will get used to sleeping in this position, and after sleep, no wrinkles under your eyes will be able to ruin your mood.
  2. Tie the scarf in a knot on your stomach. This method will minimize any nighttime attempts to roll over onto your stomach.
  3. Buy a special pillow for the whole body. It is convenient to rest your arms and shoulders on such a pillow, which will reduce pressure on your face.


If you have already tried all these tips, but your body stubbornly does not want to listen to you and continues to take the “face down” position in your sleep, then it makes sense to change your cotton pillowcases to silk or satin ones. Sliding fabric will leave fewer marks and creases on the skin of the face.

Nowadays, many anti-wrinkle pillows are being invented. Read our article - perhaps this pillow will suit you best!

Some women do not fight the problem, but try to neutralize the consequences immediately after sleep: they do facial massage, gymnastics, jogging, and rub their body and face with brushes. Select effective patches and under-eye masks, wipe your face with ice, and wash with cold water. Well, this is some kind of way out of the situation!

They did it!

And here are the reviews of those who coped with the problem of morning wrinkles on the face:

“Since childhood, I can’t sleep on my back - my head starts to hurt. I wake up every morning with my face buried in my pillow. The only thing that helps is an ice cube with parsley juice in the morning. I wipe my face with it in the morning, and the creases become less noticeable.” Inna


“As long as I can remember, I sleep curled up in a ball. Over the years, after sleeping, wrinkles began to appear in the décolleté area. There are no special wrinkles on the face, but there are such long creases on the chest! I decided to overcome myself and fall asleep lying on my back at least once. I didn't think it was so difficult! I just lay there half the night, my eyes buried in the ceiling. And then I started putting a pillow under my knees, and now I sleep on my back. The marks from the creases have not yet completely disappeared, but they are no longer as distinct as before.” Evgenia

“I had morning wrinkles, and especially swelling, which provoked all this. I drank tea at night, and in the morning one side of my face became swollen and wrinkled. When I realized this, I visited the doctor and had my kidneys checked. I started taking medications and not a drop of liquid a few hours before bedtime. It got better, although I didn’t change my sleeping position!” Daria.

The article was verified by experts - beauty blogger @lil4olga and practicing family doctor Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya. 2019

How to quickly get rid of pillow marks on your face?


I dare to suggest that marks from the pillow remain on the face - if the pillow is feather and soft.

If you are concerned about this and you see such “prints” quite often, then you need to change the pillow and choose one with a holofiber filler, for example, or even get an orthopedic pillow.

But if this still happens and in the morning you need to quickly get rid of the “wrinkled face” effect, then immediately wash your face with cool water and repeat this procedure every two to three minutes, or best of all, take an invigorating shower.

You can also speed up the disappearance of wrinkles on the face by using a special cream externally (on the face). I know firsthand that gently massaging your face with your fingers will remove all the unevenness from it quite quickly.


Many people have probably experienced that after sleep, the face is a little rumpled, so to speak, there are traces of a pillow on the face. For that, to quickly get rid of pillow marks on your face, because as a rule, you need to run to work, you need to listen to the following recommendations.

Firstly, Alternating washing with water, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, and repeat this several times, and then rub a little, massaging the face so that there is blood flow, helps and tones the skin of the face very well.

Secondly, Before you go to bed, try to limit your intake of liquids.

Third, the pillow should be comfortable, ideally orthopedic and the sleeping position, preferably on the back, then the pillow will not leave marks on your face.


Such changes on the face in the morning can be interpreted as facial pastiness.

In this case, there may be marks from the pillow, scars and buttons not only on the cheeks, but also on the forehead, eyelids and chin.

If in the morning after sleep there are traces of the folds of the pillow on your face, then you need to take measures regarding:

  1. To the pillow. Change the pillow, possibly size, filling. You can buy an orthopedic pillow. Nowadays, even more so, you can choose in salons, lying on their beds.
  2. Your sleeping position may be uncomfortable. especially for problems with osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine.
  3. Limit fluid intake before bed. You will have a restful sleep, otherwise you will also have to empty your bladder. In general, you should limit yourself to eating salty foods (salinity, fish, especially beer with dry fish).
  4. For some, the peculiarity is the disruption or weakening of lymphatic drainage from the orbit of the eyes and the entire facial skull. During the day we make thousands of blinking movements, the lymph spreads through its ducts and the swelling of the face decreases.
  5. Facial pastiness, especially after sleep, often occurs with AIT (autoimmune thyroiditis) with reduced thyroid function - hypothyroidism. Nowadays, this applies not only to women. In men, this pathology is becoming more common.

The most accessible and simplest: wash with cold water or alternate contrast wash within 5 - 10 minutes. Place two bowls/basins and wash. Perfectly tones the skin and reduces facial swelling. Do massage movements over the face, especially in places of “bruises”, pat, rub to increase blood flow.

Sleep wrinkles


We can all expect to develop fine lines and wrinkles due to the natural aging process. Plus, external factors like ultraviolet radiation, picking and rubbing delicate skin, and pollution all accelerate the breakdown of collagen and elastin over time. But what if we told you that there is one type of wrinkle that has nothing to do with habits, genetics, and environmental factors? And that you could easily avoid them by changing one daily habit? How to remove wrinkles?

Causes of wrinkles after sleep

Sleep wrinkles occur and become stronger during sleep when the face is pressed against the pillow. Compression and force cause the delicate skin on the face to stretch, fold and wrinkle, which actually causes wrinkles to appear. These lines continue to deepen due to nightly repetitions combined with thinning and increased sagging skin as we age.

Sleep lines can become permanent after years of sleeping in the same position. Fortunately, sleep wrinkles can be avoided if you intervene early.

The main way to prevent sleep wrinkles is to stop sleeping on your side. Of course, this is easier said than done - on average, we spend 2/3 of the night on our side or stomach. Sleeping on your back will not only allow your face to rest, but it is also the best sleeping position to prevent neck and back pain. This allows your body to maintain a neutral alignment.

How to remove wrinkles on the face

Because sleep wrinkles do not result from muscle movement, but from mechanical pressure. Then you have to treat them with the surface of the products to see the difference. For example, chemical peeling is one effective treatment to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid is another key ingredient that will destroy sleep wrinkles. This is a powerful moisturizer—the must-have ingredient penetrates the skin and actually plumps it up to reduce the appearance of fine lines. You can use hyaluronic acid all over your face, or in a targeted area where sleep wrinkles specifically are a problem, such as under the eyes. It also includes peptides and antioxidants to strengthen the skin from further damage - both from sleep wrinkles and environmental factors.

Sleep wrinkles have the potential to affect those who sleep—and that's all about us. So start your treatment now to wake up to smooth, younger-looking skin every morning.

Wrinkles during sleep and the effect of a rumpled face - how to avoid them

It's not just how much sleep you get, but also how you sleep.

Everyone knows that healthy sleep not only gives energy and restores strength, but also affects our appearance. Therefore, many people monitor the number of hours spent in sleep, but they often miss one point: it is important not only how much you sleep, but also How Are you sleeping now. This is what we will talk about today.

When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we see is our reflection in the mirror. If you have noticed that sometimes your face looks wrinkled or that some wrinkles get worse after sleep, then this article is especially relevant for you. There are two main factors that provoke the formation of wrinkles during sleep and create the effect of a rumpled face.

  1. The position in which you sleep on the pillow. Today, stores offer a wide variety of pillows, the choice of which is a separate issue. But whatever your ideal pillow is, it's important to make sure you sleep in the right position without negatively affecting your face.
  2. Sleeping on your back. The best way to benefit your face is to sleep on your back. In this case, the face is not compressed by the pillow, but remains smooth and straightened. In addition, under the influence of gravity, the face seems to be pulled back towards the ears - let's call it a natural lifting effect.
  3. Sleeping with your face in the pillow. If you are used to sleeping with your face in your pillow, then in the morning your face will hardly look rested and toned. If the issue of maintaining youth is important to you, my advice as a facial yoga trainer is to unlearn this habit.
  4. Sleeping on your side. If you prefer to sleep on your side, make sure that your face is not pressed or compressed by the pillow. To do this, you need to make sure that you are not lying on your cheek, but on your ear. If this condition is met, you can be sure that in the morning your face will have a rested look.

So, we have decided in what position you need to sleep so that your face looks fresh and rested in the morning. Now let's look at the second factor that provokes the formation of wrinkles during sleep.

Muscle spasms during sleep. In a dream, some of us, without noticing it, may wince, compress our lips or teeth, or strain our eyes, which is caused by spasms of the facial muscles. For example, if someone unconsciously moves or raises their eyebrows in a dream, this leads to the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead. Others may experience clenching of the lips, which causes the formation of nasolabial folds. Also, due to stress, bruxism can begin - a spasm of the masticatory muscles, accompanied by grinding of teeth and their involuntary clenching. Bruxism also leads to deepening of the nasolabial folds, as well as changes in the shape of the face and even grinding of teeth. As you understand, spasms of the facial muscles negatively affect our face - expression lines begin to form in certain areas of the face.

Recognizing spasms

If you want to understand whether you have lyspasms of the facial muscles, then first you need to observe yourself. Do you have a wrinkle between your eyebrows? Does it get worse after a night's sleep? Do you feel strong tension in any area of ​​your face? Have you noticed that you involuntarily clench your jaw? Do you purse your lips? Do you tuck your chin?

Answer these questions for yourself. You can recognize these spasms only by observing your face, the areas of tension and what wrinkles begin to form on it.

How to prevent wrinkles from appearing while you sleep?

  1. Watch how you sleep and what position your face is in during sleep.
  2. Use special facial patches to prevent wrinkles while sleeping.
  3. Control your facial expressions throughout the day to get rid of the habit of wincing, pursing your lips, squinting, and others.
  4. Do exercises to relax tense areas of your face.
  5. Enjoy life and avoid stress and negative emotions, because they are often the causes of facial muscle spasms.

Love yourself, your body and face to preserve beauty and youth for a long time!