
A vivisector should be appointed for his moral transgression and desecration of a living being - the most sensitive witness and judge of the immorality of human actions. Biologists-cytologists came to these conclusions. Vivisectors committed a grave crime against nature. This technique has nothing to do with science. Its purpose is purely practical - commercial interest. Irreparable harm to society is caused by the sale of drugs to living people. One has only to inject a dose of morphine, which stimulates our perception, and a state of altered consciousness immediately sets in. Any organ of our body immediately reports this: bright, almost visible rays come out of our eyes, we want to kiss everything, do something nice for people. All drug addicts have dark circles under their eyes, thinness and pained eyes. Describing the sensations when “smoking weed” or taking heavy drugs - you understand, is not pleasant. Upon external examination of a person who constantly takes a joint, it is clear what has happened to him. This is also a deception, because the person himself accustoms his body to a weak narcotic substance, and then drinks a real dose, and then the addiction can turn into anything. Take, for example, a young girl,

What is vivisection? This is a study or operation performed on a living animal, often outside its will, through physical handling or induction into an induced coma (intubation, complete anesthesia). It is carried out, as a rule, without a therapeutic purpose (except for attempts at resuscitation), and also to obtain