Air humidity

Humidity is the content of water vapor in the air. It is one of the main meteorological factors and affects human heat exchange in combination with other meteorological factors.

Air humidity is measured as a percentage. The higher the humidity, the more water vapor is contained in the air, and vice versa. Air humidity can be low, medium or high depending on air temperature and atmospheric pressure.

Low air humidity means the air contains little water vapor and can be dry. This may cause discomfort in people who are sensitive to dry air. High humidity, on the other hand, means that the air contains a large amount of water vapor and can be humid. This can make you feel damp and make it difficult to breathe.

The importance of air humidity for human health lies in the fact that it affects heat exchange. When the air is dry, it can draw moisture from the skin and mucous membranes, which can lead to dry skin and decreased immunity. When the air is humid, it can hold moisture on the skin and mucous membranes, which helps keep them moist and prevent dryness.

In addition, air humidity affects the climate. A humid climate can promote the growth of plants and animals, as well as create favorable conditions for human life. A dry climate, on the contrary, can lead to droughts and other unfavorable living conditions.

In general, air humidity is an important meteorological factor that influences heat exchange and climate, and therefore must be taken into account when planning weather conditions and making decisions about human comfort and health.

Although many people don't think about it, air humidity is very important for our health. It affects our breathing, heat exchange and even our mood. In this article we will look at what air humidity is and how it affects our lives.

Air humidity is the content of water vapor in the air, which