Sudden loss of strength

This mostly happens when there is no pain, no diarrhea, no large swelling, no profuse bowel movements, and loss of strength occurs only as a result of overflowing with juices. Most rarely, such juices are bloody: blood, if it does not first cause other manifestations, does not lead to a sudden loss of strength. In most cases, it is caused by thick juices in the stomach and blood vessels, blocking the airways. Know that loss of strength sometimes leads to fainting, and sometimes it is less and does not cause fainting. If the strength disappears only in the nerves and muscles, then they lose strength and the person becomes motionless and only with difficulty moves from a standing to a lying position and vice versa. This comes from some of the reasons we mentioned above; as they increase, these phenomena take away strength completely, but if they do not increase, they only take away strength from the nerves and muscles. This often occurs due to the liquid substance of the juices and their ability to be dispersed, especially during fevers. In such people, rational actions are sometimes not affected by weakness, although attacks of loss of strength become unbearable if they become more frequent and repeated.

Treatment. The treatment of such patients is close to the treatment of those who have fainted. Loss of strength due to congestion is treated by bloodletting, and if the cause is any other juice from among the thick juices, then the patient, when he recovers, should have frequent bowel movements, for example, iyarajas. Sometimes iyaraja fikra in combination with turbite, Indian salt, agaric, dodder and similar medicines is enough, and sometimes they resort to help, for example, scammonium resin: scammonium resin is one of the means that makes other medicines work. With this disease, you should induce vomiting after relaxation and constantly take medicines inside that strengthen the heart, as well as sniff them. Rubbing the limbs is one of the ways of reviving the innate heat, as we have already mentioned several times, and after this moderate physical work is prescribed.

As for nutrition, you should eat substances that thin and tear off, such as, for example, a decoction of chickpeas with mustard, olive oil and almond oil. Liquid and old wines are used. After emptying, they use a bath and rub themselves with oils that revive the innate heat and thin them, and after the bath they drink pure wine, as well as wine with honey, wormwood wine and similar drinks. When the patient begins to revive, he should be given strengthening and quickly digestible food; You already know this from what has been said above. Know also that strength increases from suitable foods and drinks, from incense, peace and pleasure. This is also facilitated by the absence of upsets and irritating impressions, the resumption of activities dear to the heart and communication with loved ones.