Internal ulcers of the penis and itching of the penis

They are treated in the same way as bladder ulcers are treated Sometimes a medicine made from burnt papyrus paper is necessary.

His copybook. They take burnt papyrus paper, burnt alum, kalimiyya, washed after burning, pine tree bark with its small nuts, bloodstone and incense, prepare cakes from all this and use them in a syringe.

It occurs due to the sharp matter that is poured into it, and the sharp sweat that seeps into the penis from adjacent places and causes itching in it.

Treatment. The juice is thrown away through bloodletting and laxation, then they take akakiyi and mamis - half a dirham each, ammonia - danak, sabur - danak, saffron - half danak and ushnana - as much as everything else. The composition is crushed, sifted and kneaded with jasmine oil This is a proven remedy. Sometimes the itching calms down if you smear the penis with vinegar and rose oil, which contains soda and alum, in a bath. If the itching is more malignant, then they add larkspur, and when the patient leaves the bath, they smear his penis with egg white and honey. If nothing helps and the patient has already been bled and emptied, then let them put cups on the inside of his thigh, close to that place, or let leeches go there.