What is hygiene? - in other words this: "purity", or keeping everything around us clean that we use and come into contact with. In fact this is:
- The purity of the air we breathe
- The purity of the food and drink we eat
- The cleanliness of our clothes and shoes, which we wear every day,
- The purity of the water in which we bathe and wash ourselves
- Cleanliness of objects that we use in everyday life.
All these points, their constant proper implementation, constitute rules of personal hygiene and human health. Let's look at them in more detail, but let's start with the most interesting and important thing for us athletes - training...
Content- Exercise and hygiene rules
- Air
- Water
- Food hygiene
- Dream
- Human personal hygiene
Exercise and hygiene rules
Exercise hygiene constitutes compliance with the following conditions:
- a) daily physical exercise in clean air or in a ventilated room;
- b) alternating exercises to contract, stretch and relax the main muscle groups;
- c) individual load dosages according to the number of exercises, amplitude, intensity, tempo and rhythm;
- d) performing 3-6 movements in a row with short micro-pauses (10-30 s after each series);
- g) obligatory completion of the exercises with a water procedure or bathing.
The purity of air, which is a mixture of various gases, is of great importance for the body. In percentage terms, its composition is as follows: nitrogen - 78.03; oxygen - 20.93; carbon dioxide - 0.03; hydrogen - 0.01, etc.
Nitrogen at normal atmospheric pressure is an indifferent gas. During physical exercise, the content of nitrogen and other so-called neutral gases in the air is of no practical importance.
Oxygen - the most important component of air for human life and activity. The amount of its consumption depends on age, weight, gender and, mainly, the nature of the activity. The higher the intensity of muscle work, the more oxygen a person consumes. If we take into account that the composition of atmospheric air includes about 21% of this gas and that during breathing in the human body about 25% of it is retained, then the daily oxygen consumption at rest will be 682.5 liters. Therefore, it is very important to exercise outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
Carbon dioxide is important for the processes of respiration and metabolism. However, when a large number of people stay indoors for a long time, the content of this gas in the air increases. An adult can easily tolerate up to 2-3% of this gas in the air. When the number increases to 4-5%, the pulse slows down, headaches appear, and sometimes fainting.
To purify indoor air, you should use vents, transoms, windows, etc. Thus, a window open for 10 minutes provides a complete change of air in a room with a volume of 80 mZ. Through ventilation gives especially good results.
The importance of water for human life is extremely great. There is no need to list its beneficial properties.
However, if household wastewater, food waste and other impurities enter the reservoir, the water can be a source of various gastrointestinal diseases. It must be suitable and of high quality in its physical properties:
- transparent,
- colorless,
- without foreign odors and tastes,
- harmful chemical impurities and microbes,
- have a temperature within 5-15°.
At temperatures below 5°, water will have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and above 15° it will not have a refreshing effect.
It participates in all vital processes of the body.
Speaking about water metabolism, it should be borne in mind that the amount of water entering the body is not limited only to liquid. Water is part of the chemical composition of all our food products - bread, vegetables, meat, fruits, etc.
An adult body must receive in its daily diet 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid per day, except for water found in solid food. However, its excessive intake increases the load on the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system) and kidneys, and inevitably leads to the loss of mineral salts and vitamins by the body.
Food hygiene
In a living organism, there is a constant consumption of its constituent organic substances, even in a state of complete rest. When performing mental or muscular work, the decay processes are significantly enhanced, and its products are excreted through the lungs, skin, kidneys, and intestines. The source of replenishment of these costs is the food consumed, which is used to restore the body and provide it with energy and represents a combination of:
- a) proteins,
- b) fats,
- c) carbohydrates,
- d) mineral salts,
- d) water and vitamins.
There are:
- I. rational (balanced) nutrition of a healthy person
- II. therapeutic nutrition of the patient.
The first is aimed at creating optimal conditions for a healthy body for the optimal manifestation of its key functional capabilities. But therapeutic nutrition is a choice of diet that takes into account not only the physiological nuances of the body, but also the nature of the disease.
- in the morning (before work) – breakfast;
- at noon - second breakfast;
- in the afternoon – lunch;
- no later than 2 hours before going to bed - dinner.
The basal metabolic rate at rest in a healthy man of average height and weight per day is approximately 1800-2000 calories. It is higher among young people. For people whose work does not require significant physical effort, the calorie content of food is 2600-3000 calories, for manual workers - 3500-4500 calories, for athletes during training and competition - 4500-5000, for older people - 2300-2600 calories. It should be remembered that overeating is the enemy of health. Obesity and overweight lead to diseases such as atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus and others.
Sleep is a faithful guardian of health. It should be quite long and regular. During this time, your strength is restored 3 times faster. For an adult, it is enough to sleep 7-8 hours daily without a break. The daily rhythm of life processes occurring in the body shows that the most appropriate time for sleep is between 11 - 12 pm and lasts until 7-8 am.
As already noted, you should have dinner at least two hours before bedtime. At the same time, your evening food should be as light as possible, preferably dairy-vegetable. It is also advisable to take a short walk in the fresh air in the evening. In the warm season, it is extremely useful to sleep with an open window; in winter, with an open window, as an alternative, in a well-ventilated room. The bed should be separate, not too soft, and the linen should be light. It is not recommended to cover your head with a blanket while sleeping. It is better to sleep on your right side or back.
After waking up, you should take several concentrated deep breaths with pulsating exhalations. While lying in bed, do some light exercises for your arms, legs and abdominals.
Human personal hygiene
For the normal course of life processes, it is important to maintain hygienic cleanliness of the skin, body and oral cavity. Thorough cleansing of the skin from products of the sebaceous and sweat glands, exfoliated epithelium and various pollutants is of great importance for maintaining its normal functions and preventing skin diseases.
It is useful to use a steam bath, which increases sweating and helps to better cleanse the skin. Foot care is of great hygienic importance. It is very important to accustom yourself to washing them every day before going to bed with cool water, not only for the main hygienic purpose, but also for hardening. Water procedures after hygienic gymnastics also have a hardening value.
Hair requires careful care; it should be washed at least once every 4-5 days with hot water and soap.
Systematic oral care ensures the safety of teeth and protects the body from many infections. Therefore, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with warm boiled water after each meal, and brush your teeth on the outside and inside every morning and before bed with powder or paste with a not very hard brush.
Clothes and shoes
Clothing and shoes protect the body from dirt and mechanical damage, ensure the preservation of thermal balance in any climatic conditions and at different times of the year. Clothing should be thermally conductive, light, loose and soft, breathable.
It is not advisable to wear tight collars, elastic bands, or belts.
Shoes should be comfortable. Tight shoes, boots, boots lead to foot deformation and impede normal blood circulation. Shoes that are too loose can cause abrasions.
Excessively high heels are harmful. The gait suffers from this, it becomes unstable due to the movement of the body’s center of gravity forward and high tension in the ligaments of the foot; At the same time, the toes rest against the toe, and abrasions appear on them. The heel height should not exceed 4-6 cm. And, of course, shoes should be kept clean at all times.
Remember: Where there is dirt, there are bacteria. Where there are bacteria, there are diseases. And illness is the main enemy of health. Well, if the body gets sick, it has no time for training. For he will spend all his energy not on accumulating potential and breaking new records, but on fighting internal inflammatory processes. Personal hygiene of a person and its observance is the primary task of every individual, especially an athlete who wants to achieve serious results in his favorite sport. You won't see victories if you don't know how to take care of yourself - be beautiful, neat and healthy! And never get sick!
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