
Intraocular (from Latin intra - inside and oculus - eye) is a term denoting structures or processes located inside the eye or related to the area located inside the eyeball.

Intraocular structures include the lens, vitreous body, retina and other elements of the eye located in the cavity of the eyeball. Intraocular processes include, for example, inflammatory diseases of the inner membranes of the eye or surgical interventions performed inside the eye.

The term "intraocular" is widely used in ophthalmology to refer to structures and processes localized within the eyeball and distinct from extraocular structures and processes. Intraocular structures and processes play an important role in the functioning of the visual analyzer.

Intraocular or Intraocular (intraocular) is a term that refers to anatomical structures and diseases that are inside the eyeball or associated with the area located inside it. The eye is a complex organ that consists of many components, including the lens, cornea, retina, choroid, vitreous body and other tissues. The intraocular space is the area that lies between the inner surface of the eyeball and its outer surface.

Intraocular structures include various chambers and spaces associated with the optical system of the eye, such as the anterior chamber, posterior chamber and vitreous space. Also, the intraocular space contains various vessels, nerves and glands that provide nutrition and support to the tissues of the eye.

Diseases associated with the intraocular space can be caused by various reasons, such as trauma, infection, tumors and other diseases. Some of them can lead to serious complications such as retinal detachment or glaucoma.

Various methods are used to treat intraocular diseases, including laser therapy, surgery, and medications. It is important to promptly seek medical help if you suspect a disease to avoid serious complications.

Thus, intraocular structures and diseases are important components of the ocular apparatus and require careful attention from medical personnel.

Intraocular or ophthalmic laser is a medical term used in medicine to describe laser equipment used to treat eye diseases and correct vision. Such medical devices are quite complex and require professional training of medical specialists.

Medical eye laser has found wide application in the field of ophthalmology due to its effectiveness in treating various eye diseases such as glaucoma, myopia, hyperopia and cataracts. He also