Vitamin water for face

Vitamins in facial ampoules are actively used to maintain a beautiful appearance.

They help replenish the lack of nutrients, get rid of external signs of aging, and improve the condition of the skin.

Many girls (women) learn about the benefits of liquid vitamins from the Internet, from friends. But not everyone knows about the rules of use and contraindications. Let's talk about this today.

Description and effect of vitamins in ampoules

There are two types of vitamins: fat-soluble and water-soluble.

The former are sold in vials (A, E, D, etc.), and the latter in ampoules (C, B1, B6, B12, etc.).

Let's take a closer look at which of them are best suited for proper skin care:

  1. Ascorbic acid - improves collagen synthesis and has a healing effect.
  2. Biotin (vitamin H) - removes dead cells.
  3. Retinol (A). Helps replenish the lack of moisture in cells, as well as relieve inflammation. It is especially recommended to use for various rashes and peeling. Regulates the production of subcutaneous fat, restores and removes age spots.
  4. Vitamin B6 - disinfects, eliminates inflammatory processes. Prescribed for skin diseases.
  5. Thiamine (B1) - tightens, eliminates signs of aging. Effective in the treatment of eczema and dermatitis.
  6. B5 - has a drying effect. Copes with the problems of oily and inflamed epidermis. Tightens the oval of the face, reduces the number of wrinkles.
  7. Tocopherol (E) - rejuvenates, improves complexion, normalizes water balance (reduces swelling), restores cells.
  8. Folic acid (B9) - protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, reduces the formation of pimples and blackheads during adolescence.
  9. Vitamin D - restores damaged cells.
  10. Riboflavin (B2) - saturates the epidermis with air oxygen particles. Rejuvenates, gives natural radiance, prevents the formation of inflammatory processes on the skin.
  11. Niacin (P) - relieves signs of fatigue, improves complexion.
  12. Cyanocobalamin (B12) - eliminates wrinkles, both fine and pronounced. Tightens the oval, reduces age-related swelling.
  13. Vitamin K - reduces increased pigmentation, has a healing effect on rashes (acne, pimples).

Vitamins in ampoules for facial skin care are used as an additional component in the preparation of home care products. They are used only to eliminate the existing problem and after consulting a cosmetologist.

Use at home

Not all medicinal substances are combined with each other. To avoid harm, you need to know some application features:

Thiamine (B1) does not combine with B2 and B3 - the beneficial properties are completely destroyed, and when combined with cyanocobalamin, it becomes a powerful allergen.

Vitamin B6 cannot be mixed with B1 and B12.

B12 is not recommended to be combined with other vitamins B, A, E.

Tocopherol does not interact with K, E, C, B12 and 1, D.

Experts recommend adhering to the basic rule - adding 1 vitamin to the mask, but no more.

Also, before carrying out the home procedure, the epidermis must be cleaned, and then a test for tolerance of the product components must be carried out.

The course of treatment is from 10 to 20 days, but not more than 2 times every 7 days.

Face masks with vitamins in ampoules

Liquid vitamins can be used not only for preparing masks, but also to enrich ready-made creams.

We invite you to consider several options for preparing home remedies with the addition of vitamin complexes.


It has a calming effect, relieves inflammation on the skin, and also neutralizes rashes.

  1. aloe (leaves) - 1 pc.;
  2. fat cream - 5 g;
  3. vitamin A - 5 ml.

Cut the plant and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After the time has passed, remove and squeeze out the juice. To prepare the mask you need a teaspoon. Pour into a container and mix with other ingredients.

Apply to the skin along massage lines. The holding time is a quarter of an hour. Remove residues with a dry paper towel, and then rinse with warm boiled water.

Another option for a moisturizing mask that helps eliminate excessive dryness:

  1. water - 50 ml;
  2. glycerin - 25 ml;
  3. vitamin E - 4 drops.

Combine all ingredients and mix. Apply to prepared epidermis. Leave for 30 minutes, blot the residue with a dry cloth and rinse with warm boiled liquid.

For wrinkles

Eliminates sagging, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face.

  1. ascorbic acid - 5 ml;
  2. banana - 1/2 pcs.;
  3. oatmeal - 1 tsp;
  4. hot water - 2 tsp.

Wash the exotic fruit, peel it, and grind it in a blender. Pour boiling water over the oatmeal, cover and leave for 20 minutes to swell.

Mix all ingredients and add liquid vitamin, mix. Distribute evenly over the epidermis, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.


Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, clears blackheads and prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

  1. cosmetic clay - 1.5 tbsp;
  2. sour cream - 1.5 tbsp;
  3. dry yeast - 10 g;
  4. vitamin E or A - 3 drops.

Mix the prepared products until smooth. Distribute evenly over the skin and remove after 25 minutes.

To eliminate oily shine

  1. sour cream - 2 tsp;
  2. cocoa powder - 15 g;
  3. wheat oil - 10 drops;
  4. jojoba ether - 3 g;
  5. vitamin E - 4 drops.

Combine all ingredients except tocopherol. Heat over steam and add vitamin, stir.

Distribute evenly on the skin, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with boiled water and wipe your face with a tonic.


  1. vitamins B6 and B12 in ampoules of 0.5 tsp;
  2. kefir (any fat content) - 20 ml;
  3. lemon juice - 3 drops.

Combine all of the above components in a separate bowl. Mix thoroughly and apply to a cleaned surface, preferably making several layers. Leave for 25 minutes, remove with cooled boiled liquid.

For problem skin

  1. red clay - 30 g;
  2. low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  3. vitamin E - 4 drops.

Pour the powder into the container, and then add the fermented milk product. Stir well and add tocopherol. Cover and leave for 5 minutes.

Distribute evenly on the skin, and on top of a plastic bag and a towel with slits. Leave for 25 minutes, remove with boiled water.

Fast and effective mask for daily use

  1. olive oil - 25 ml;
  2. vitamin A - 2 drops;
  3. vitamin E in ampoules - 2 drops.

Heat the oil ingredient and combine with other ingredients. Mix and apply to the skin with patting massage movements.

After a quarter of an hour, wipe your face with a dry disposable napkin.


Liquid vitamin complexes are medications that can be harmful to the human body.

So, it cannot be used when:

  1. manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  2. individual intolerance to the components of the mask.

With extreme caution:

  1. severe liver disease;
  2. stomach ulcer;
  3. heart diseases.

Vitaminized masks help not only achieve the desired result, but also saturate the epidermal cells with useful substances.

After completing the full course of treatment, the skin acquires a natural and natural complexion, without defects or redness.

Concept of care in an office/work environment during the winter. There are no analogues in Russia. Comparison with thermal water. Composition, advice, reasoning, photos.

In Europe, such means have been available for a long time and have finally reached Russia. This is a moisturizing facial spray. And soon such sprays will push thermal waters into the background and leave them to owners of oily skin. The main ingredient is SODIUM PCA (has nothing to do with SLS).

What ingredients do I like in this spray:

SODIUM PCA — A humectant, made from vegetables, sugar or starch. A natural skin moisturizer that fights aging. Softens the skin.

ZINC PCA -zinc salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (PCA). Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (PCA) is part of the skin's natural moisturizing factor. It is a hygroscopic substance - it is able to bind and retain moisture, giving the skin smoothness and elasticity.

Hydrogenated Costor Oil - low-fat kostorka))

All this together provides a super express moisturizing effect comparable only to Korean serum...... Which is also suitable for oily/combination skin!

+ good express hydration at work.

+ there are no analogues in Russia yet.

+for all skin types.

+ does not clog pores! No acne. (speaking as a combination skin owner)

— It’s difficult to find, when it gains popularity it will probably disappear from the shelves altogether.

— if you use it more than 4 times a day, your face may shine (obviously due to the fire), but this is not a minus, but a nuance. This will most likely not happen on dry skin.

Regarding thermal water. Due to the high salt content, thermal baths dry out the face. It’s not for nothing that many cosmetologists do not recommend using them often. But they are still relevant for oily skin types.

A care concept for all skin types.

This is, of course, hydration. First and most important. Creams, serums, humidifiers, drink a lot of water.

This spray allows you to moisturize your skin not 2 times a day - morning and evening, but much more often. This is especially true in winter indoors/offices. Just over makeup. This is important both at 16 and at 60. Dry air is very drying, look at indoor plants.

This product can also be used instead of a tonic, and there are many uses for it.

What is my result? No wrinkles! Although at the age of 26 I had them - facial expressions and improper care for combination skin contributed.

I advise everyone, but I’ll run to the pharmacy for 5 bottles for a reserve)) This product is indispensable for me, it helps to maintain the results of my main care.

This is WHAT will refresh and moisturize your face, enrich it with vitamins and remove the crazy overdone powder on your face!

Good afternoon everyone!

Have you ever had a situation when you put on makeup, went out into the entrance, entered the elevator and secretly looked in the mirror, and there...... it was like a monster with sand and dust on her face?

This has happened to me often!

I really want to kill myself against the wall!

At home in the morning this effect of a powdered face is not particularly noticeable, but on the street, when there is even less sun...

Quite a bit. Then I immediately take a wet wipe and gently apply it to my face, so that at least somehow this misunderstanding will be mitigated.

But this is all very unsatisfactory and the mood is already so-so.

I have long heard about all sorts of thermal waters, but the Jewish nature does not allow me to spend huge amounts of money on all sorts of fixatives.

Therefore, I decided to just choose something budget-friendly, so as not to spend a lot, and to have the effect that I am waiting for while sitting on my butt before going out anywhere.

I picked out my very favorite cosmetic brand, which can always be purchased cheaply at the Pharmacy. RU.

Full title: Novosvit Novosvit AQUA-spray “Vitamins for the face”.

Price: 64 rub. at the Pharmacy. ru (price depends on the country, region, region, city, store)

Volume: spray bottle 190 ml.

Manufacturer: ELD COMPANY.

Country of origin: Russia.

This is what the product description looks like:

Compound: Water enriched with a complex of minerals.

Pharmachologic effect: Ideally protects the skin from dehydration after exposure to the sun, during air travel, sports, and at work in dry air conditions. Moisturizes and soothes the skin, relieves the unpleasant sensations of dryness and tightness of the skin.

Indications: for daily care of the skin of the face and neck.

The composition of the spray is amazing!

Water enriched with a complex of minerals Na (Sodium), Mg (magnesium), Zn (Zinc), Mn (manganese).

  1. Water (aqua)
  2. Na (Sodium) - Pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid (Sodium PCA) — A humectant, made from vegetables, sugar or starch. A natural skin moisturizer that fights aging. Softens the skin.
  3. Mg (magnesium) - Magnesium 2-oxopyrrolidine-5-carboxylic acid (magnesium PCA) - Moisturizer, refreshes the skin. Magnesium ATP in Cosmetics Magnesium plays a key role in energy metabolism in the skin (Krebs cycle), stimulating more than 300 enzymes.
  4. Zn (Zinc) - Zinc salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (zinc PCA) - a natural component that blocks the effect of hormones on the sebaceous glands, reducing sebum production and improving the outflow from the gland. Zinc PCA is widely used not only as a means of regulating sebum production and suppressing body odor, but also as an ingredient in anti-aging products.
  5. Mn (manganese) - L-proline-5-oxo-salt of manganese (manganese PCA) - Its activity is based on the synergy between the four ATP salts. It is a source of microelements for good cellular metabolism. Increases cell metabolism by increasing ATP synthesis.
  6. PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil — Obtained from castor oil by hydrogenation. It retains all the physiological properties of castor oil: it has good softening properties, forms a protective film on the skin, preventing excessive evaporation of moisture.
  7. Citric Acid — Has an astringent, cleansing, antioxidant, bactericidal and whitening effect. Normalizes the pH balance of the skin.
  8. Methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone - canned food.
  9. Perfume composition (Parfum)

Firstly, The composition of the product is wonderful. The very necessary and important elements contained in the water fill it completely. The oil wonderfully softens the skin, and citric acid refreshes and disinfects the skin. And even two preservatives do not spoil the picture at all.

Secondly, The product is remarkably refreshing and has a delicate citrus aroma. It doesn't linger on the skin, so those who don't like smells don't have to worry.

(ADDED later: I don't know what's wrong, but my nose doesn't detect a strong odor, although other reviews smell marked as significant disadvantage. Maybe my nose is not sensitive to this? Although I am sensitive to smells. I don’t know, and therefore I leave this point to the judgment of active users)

Third, If you apply water before applying the cream, the cream will be ideally spread over the skin of the face, with minimal coverage and beneficial uniformity. If you apply it on top of the cream, the water will simply refresh your face.

Fourthly, By applying some water over the makeup, I get the powder to adhere. It remains on the face, but turns into a tonal appearance. But no, here you need to express yourself more carefully - after wetting the powder with microscopic droplets of water, the powder becomes moistened powder, which no longer looks like sand, but looks like a radiant face.

Fifthly, it's pretty cheap and nice. It sprays very generously, the scope of ejection of liquid from the spray is very large, so one or two sprays are enough. In addition, the density of the ejected liquid is decent.

If you spray on yourself a lot, then get ready to blot your face more than once.

If used in summer, the water will mattify a little, but in winter, on the contrary, it will moisturize.

In general, I think that this water will please everyone!

I highly recommend it, because Novosvit is very pleasant for me and every product purchased from this company has not yet disappointed me.

Dry and dull facial skin is a problem that many girls face, especially at the end of winter. Moisturizing facial sprays can instantly solve this problem. It is enough to spray them on your face and it instantly becomes fresh and radiant. By the way, this spray can be prepared at home. We know at least 5 recipes!

Orange water

This aromatic water restores skin tone and makes it more elastic. It is especially suitable for oily skin care.


4-5 drops orange essential oil

A few drops of neroli essential oil

A few drops of rose essential oil

A teaspoon of glycerin

A teaspoon of vodka (or alcohol)

Still mineral water

Mix all the oils, add vodka and glycerin. Then slowly add water and stir thoroughly. Pour the resulting water into a spray bottle.

Green tea water

Water with green tea and cucumber is an excellent antioxidant. Cucumber has refreshing and moisturizing properties.


A quarter cup of boiling water

One green tea bag

Half a peeled cucumber

One tablespoon of dry rose petals

Pour boiling water over the tea bag and cool. Pour the liquid into a blender, add half the cucumber and rose petals. Mix everything, then pour the water through a sieve into a clean bottle.

Spray with aloe and cucumber

Aloe is one of the most valuable skin care products. This component soothes the skin, moisturizes and relieves redness. As in the previous recipe, aloe can be crushed in a blender and strain the juice (just don’t throw away the pulp, it can be applied to the skin as a mask).


3 tablespoons cucumber juice

3 tablespoons aloe juice

1 tablespoon water

Juice of half a lemon

Combine all ingredients and dilute with water. Your water is ready! By the way, lemon has bleaching properties, so this water is also suitable for those who want to reduce the visibility of age spots.

Pink water

Has moisturizing and rejuvenating properties. In addition, this water gives the skin a pleasant aroma.


Fresh rose petals

Distilled water (can be purchased at a pharmacy)

Place the rose petals in a large saucepan and fill with water (the water should barely cover the roses). Cover the pan with a lid and place on low heat. Boil the water until the petals lose their color.

Black tea face spray

Are you suffering from insomnia? Does your skin look dull and tired? Then this refreshing water recipe is just for you.


Several black tea bags

15 drops lavender essential oil

2 tablespoons aloe gel

Brew tea in a small amount of water. Then cool, add aloe and lavender oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

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