Dropsy of Semenny Kanatyk

What is dropsy? **Dropsy** is a disease that occurs as a result of an increase in the volume of fluid in any organ or tissue. In this case, fluid accumulates in the man's spermatic cord.

Hydrocele of the spermatic canal **Spermonic cord cyst** or **funiculoceleso** –

Dropsy of the seminal canal occurs as a result of an increase in the content of a small amount of serous fluid inside the abdominal cavity. Also, in addition to this, a change in the physical and chemical composition of the secretion may occur. Most of the secretion contains antigens, immunoglobulins, enzymes and cytokines; they are responsible for the body's immune defense. If the secretion contains the presence of large quantities of harmful substances, then dropsy of the seminal canal will form.