Obturation Anuria

Anuria is a reduction in urination and a complete inability to excrete urine. Complete blockage of the urinary canal, which prevents or almost completely prevents the flow of urine due to loss of elasticity. The term "obstructive" means the presence of an obstruction in the urethra.

Obstructive anuria manifests itself in the form of sudden, acute urinary retention, and urine can pass only after significant catheterization of the urinary tract. The patient experiences a strong need to excrete urine, suffers with significant discomfort, may be forced to kneel or squat, loudly screams and moans, and groans. These manifestations of the disease can be eliminated after frequent catheterizations using soft catheters through the abdominal wall. Correction of blood flow and intoxication is carried out by general or regional administration of crystalloids. In cases of urinary duct catheterization, urgent hospitalization and intensive care are required. Typically, such an acute pathology occurs in patients 30–50 years old, usually in men, but can be a manifestation of urolithiasis, prostate sclerosis, tumor or hernia. The most common injury is a urinary infection. In some cases, this is most often kidney failure, glomerulonephritis or kidney destruction.

When making a diagnosis, it is very important to correctly determine the cause of this condition. The duration of treatment and its effectiveness for the patient depend on the correct choice of therapy. It is impossible to determine the etiology of the disease from the clinical picture. Patients with obstructive anuria require additional diagnostics to determine the correct treatment. If such an acute delay occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only early diagnosis and emergency therapy using droppers and infusions of various solutions can prevent further progression of the pathology. For differentiation