Brunsa Lip Plastic

Bruns Lip surgery is a plastic surgery method that is used to correct the shape and volume of the lips. This procedure was developed by German surgeon Bernhard Bruns at the end of the 19th century and is one of the first operations aimed at improving a person's appearance.

Bruns Lip surgery is often performed to correct the effects of age-related changes or after injury, such as a burn or surgery. In this procedure, the doctor makes an incision along the upper or lower lip, removes excess skin and fatty tissue, and creates a new lip contour using special threads or implants. In addition, Brunse Lipplasty can be used to create fuller, more sensual lips that attract attention and enhance the beauty of your smile.

One of the main advantages of Brunsa Lipplasty is that it can be performed without the need to go to the hospital. Instead, the patient goes to see a surgeon directly from home or work. After the operation, the incision site is covered with a bandage, and the trace of