Idiocy Amaurotic Children's Late

Ambrotic idiocy is one of the most severe mental illnesses in children, manifesting itself in the form of dementia (oligophrenia). This type of ambrosia belongs to a group of neurological and emotional diseases. An early sign of idiocy can be considered congenital dementia, called idiocy.

Idiocy amaurotica late in childhood is a complex psychoneurological disorder caused by organic brain lesions at the birth of a child. When making a diagnosis, the age of the children is taken into account - most often these are junior and senior schoolchildren. Experts pay attention not only to the development of mental and mental abilities, but also to the characteristics of the physical development and motor skills of children. Childhood idiocy is late recognized in the early stages, on average, due to a large number of complaints and signs of “lack of intelligence,” which is mistakenly taken by parents for the child’s stupidity, stupidity or laziness.

The reasons for the development of amvrotic syndrome in children are quite numerous, both hereditary and acquired. We can talk about fetal hypoxia in late pregnancy, toxic, infectious, metabolic poisoning affecting the brain and nervous system. In addition, amvrotic syndrome in a child can be caused by pathology during pregnancy in the form of severe toxicosis, dropsy, and fetal malnutrition. In some cases, the cause may be an intrauterine infection. Pathology can occur when the parents' blood group is incompatible, when the woman's body regards the fetal tissues as foreign and attacks them. Severe causes may be genetic diseases of neurotoxic origin that run in the family, for example, phenylketonuria.