Cerebrum Compositum

Cerebrum Compositum is a homeopathic remedy for improving cerebral circulation. The product is produced in Germany by Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH.

The composition of the drug is represented by several components, including Embryo Suis D10 (sui embryo), Hepar Sus D10 and Placenta Sus D1. In addition, Cerebrum contains a number of other components, including Phosphoricum Acidum, Kalium Phosphoricum, Manganum Phosphoricuin. All of these components work together to stimulate and maintain healthy blood circulation in the brain and improve the functioning of the nerves responsible for speech and motor coordination.

The use of Cerebrum Compositum is widespread in cases of various disorders of cerebral blood flow, as well as in neuroses, depression and other problems associated with the central nervous system.