
Each of us has at least one friend, acquaintance of acquaintances, work colleague, distant relative or distant passenger on the subway who never says hello first. And some people think that strangers only greet each other when they meet at a funeral. Moreover, before we even have time to blink, employees of some bank or telephone operators approach us without any greetings or smiles. So we decided to conduct a little research into why these social flaws invade our lives.

Why don't we say hello first?

It's simple - no one is fully interested in this! I discovered that this habit originates from ancient people who had archaic societies and collective property. No one wasted their life energy on simple, everyday, everyday greetings. There is an opinion that we are distant descendants of those same semi-wild people who were not distinguished by the most friendly society and, in principle, still differ in it. The story behind why people don't say "Hello" is called inter-individualism. I have nothing against this phenomenon. There are those people who can survive independently in the wild world. As for our neighbors