
Amylorhexis is the process of destruction of amylopectin, which is the main component of starch. Amylopectin is a polysaccharide that consists of long chains of glucose linked together.

Amylorhexis occurs during the preparation of starch from corn, rice or potato kernels. In this case, the starch is subjected to heat and pressure, which leads to the destruction of amylopectin chains.

The amylorhexis process begins by heating the starch to a specific temperature, which depends on the type of starch and the degree of destruction desired. The starch is then subjected to pressure, which also affects the degree of destruction of amylopectins.

After the process of amylorhexis, starch becomes more available for use in various foods. For example, in the production of bread or cookies, starch is used to improve the texture and taste of products.

Amylorexia is a behavioral phenomenon that manifests itself in the form of uncontrolled absorption of food or water. This illness is also known as bulimia, and in psychology it is considered as an eating behavior problem. According to statistics, the phenomenon often occurs in women, but with age its frequency increases in proportion to the increase in the number of male people