Voino-Yasenetsky Phlegmon-Zatek

**Voino-Yasenyatssky Phlegmon Zatek.**

Cellulitis is an inflammatory disease that is characterized by the accumulation of purulent fluid between tissues and skin. It can occur on any part of the body, but is most common on the legs and arms. This disease can be caused by various

Voino-Yasenekky Phlegmon-Zatek is a disease that is a suppuration of a swelling (hematoma). This disease is rare and accounts for only 2% of all pathologies of the genitourinary system. Despite the fact that this pathology is rare, it is quite dangerous, especially for those people who have chronic pathologies. Voino-Yasenetsky Phlegmon-Zatek can be called a local abscess that forms in the area where the vein adheres to the pelvic cavity. Gradually, the resulting mass becomes larger and after some time reaches noticeable sizes. The development of this disease can occur both against the background of previously received damage to the genitourinary organs, and without injury. This inflammatory process occurs against the background of prolonged bleeding from a damaged vein. The causes of this pathological condition may be different, but most often the inflammation is caused by the destruction of the venous wall, as well as damage to the vein mesh. Most often, the causative agent of this process is microbes. Some patients complain of constant pain in the lower abdomen and discharge from the genitals. The appearance of such symptoms indicates the presence of inflammation. This disease is accompanied by high body temperature and abdominal pain. Symptoms of body intoxication are also noted - weakness, insomnia. Dopplerography and fluorography data are used to detect the onset of the disease at an early stage. Diagnosis of this disease should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists who have sufficient experience in this field. In addition, the following methods are used: * laparoscopy; * MRI; * Ultrasound, etc. Treatment of this disease is based, first of all, on eliminating the cause that led to its appearance. In particularly advanced cases, antibacterial therapy may be prescribed.