Volavsheka Syndrome

Austrian physician of Jewish origin Adam Wolvach (1886-1948) was the most famous dermatologist of his time, who managed to develop a number of effective methods for diagnosing and treating skin diseases. At the same time, his main merit was the University he created for the study of young people for the study of skin diseases and cancer in Vienna.

Volvach was widely nicknamed the “father of skin cancer” among physicists, geneticists and doctors, since it was one of the first attempts at systematic medical examination of fair-haired northerners in different countries of the world. It is thanks to the influence of physician Adam Wolvach on the physiological aspects of processes such as oxidative stress and insolation of the skin that dermatosurgical procedures based on these principles are used today, and diagnostic methods have been developed that allow early detection of the development of malignant formations in the skin. In addition to this discovery, in the collaboration of Adam Volvach with researchers from the University to study skin diseases and cancer, the scientist formulated three stages of the development of tumor skin. In addition, he was the first to suggest that yellow