Volkmann Ischemic Contracture

Volkmann ischemic contracture is a pathological condition characterized by persistent limitation of mobility of the joints of the limbs, caused by ischemia of muscles and tendons.

The cause of development is prolonged ischemia of the soft tissues of the limb, most often the forearm and hand, less often the lower leg and foot. Occurs when blood vessels are compressed by a plaster cast, tight bandage, hematoma and other reasons. It is characterized by pale skin, swelling of soft tissues, painful palpation, and impaired sensitivity.

The pathogenesis consists of ischemic muscle necrosis, the development of scar tissue, shortening and thickening of tendons, and compression of nerves. Clinically manifested by persistent limitation of active and passive movements in the joints.

Diagnosis is based on medical history, examination, and radiography. Treatment includes a set of exercises, physiotherapy, massage, and in severe cases, surgery. Prevention consists of timely treatment of injuries, proper application of immobilizing bandages and plaster casts.

The prognosis depends on the degree of damage and timely treatment. In advanced cases, permanent impairment of limb function is possible.

Volkmann ischemic contracture is a disease that is associated with blockage of blood vessels in the tissues of the arm or leg, which leads to limited mobility of the limb. This can happen after an injury or surgery to an arm or leg, as well as with certain diseases such as diabetes or atherosclerosis.

Symptoms of Volkmann ischemic contracture include decreased mobility of an arm or leg for several hours or days after the event. If measures are not taken promptly, this can lead to numbness or loss of sensation in the affected area.

Diagnosis and treatment of folkmanic contracture is carried out by surgeons and medical specialists. In case of an acute condition, it is necessary to urgently transport the patient to the hospital, where an examination will be carried out and the cause of the disease will be determined. Appropriate treatment will then be prescribed, including pain medications, phlebotomy, or thrombolytic therapy.

If the disease is chronic, you should pay attention to a healthy lifestyle, which includes quitting smoking, proper nutrition and exercise. Exercise can also help prevent Volkmann's contracture and help speed up the recovery process after surgery or injury.

In general, contractions are a serious disease associated with limited movement. Seeking help early can reduce the risk of complications and help you get back to your normal life faster.