Volkov-Oganesyan Articulated-Distraction Devices

Volkov-Oganesyan Hinged distraction devices.

Volkova-Oganesyan hinge-distraction device (VOSHDA) is a device developed by M.V. Volkov and O.V. Oganesyan for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The device allows for surgical operations on joints and bones, as well as treatment aimed at restoring the functions of joints and bones.

The VOSHA consists of several elements, including hinges, distractors and other mechanisms that allow surgical interventions and treatment. Hinges provide the ability to move a joint or bone, which allows operations to be performed with maximum precision and minimal damage to surrounding tissue. Distractors are used to stretch and compress a joint or bone to speed up the healing process and restore function.

The use of VOSDA allows for more precise and effective operations, as well as speeding up the recovery process after injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, VOSDA can be used to treat various joint and bone diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, fractures and others.

Overall, VOSDA is an important tool for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which allows for more precise operations and accelerates the recovery process.

Volkov-Oganesyan Hinged-Distraction Devices: A revolutionary method in orthodontics

Volkov-Oganesyan hinge-distraction devices, developed jointly by Marina Vladimirovna Volkova and Olga Vaganovna Oganesyan, represent an innovative solution in the field of orthodontics. These devices allow for distraction, that is, a gradual increase in the length of the maxillofacial arch, to correct malocclusions and align teeth. As a result of using this method, an improvement in the functionality of the oral cavity and the aesthetic appearance of the dentition is achieved.

Volkov-Oganesyan hinge-distraction devices are used to treat various forms of small key and deep bites, as well as to correct cross bites and developmental anomalies of the maxillofacial region. They are special structures consisting of metal arches attached to the teeth and hinges that ensure free movement of the jaws. Using the built-in distraction mechanism, the length of the arch can be gradually increased, allowing the jaws to assume the correct position and realize the optimal relationship of the dental arches.

The advantages of Volkov-Oganesyan hinge-distraction devices lie in their high efficiency and practicality. They provide a gradual and controlled increase in the length of the maxillofacial arch, which avoids unnecessary pressure on the tissue and damage to the teeth. In addition, these devices are characterized by a high degree of comfort for the patient, as they do not cause pain or discomfort during use.

Another advantage of Volkov-Oganesyan hinge-distraction devices is their ability to be used in different age groups of patients. They can be used in both children and adults, which makes this method universal and accessible to a wide range of patients.

In addition, Volkov-Oganesyan hinge-distraction devices are distinguished by high predictive reliability and predictability of results. Thanks to precise control over the distraction process and the ability to visually plan treatment, orthodontists can achieve optimal results in a short time.

In conclusion, Volkov-Oganesyan hinge-distraction devices are a modern and effective method in orthodontics, allowing to correct various malocclusion defects and straighten the dentition. Their advantages include high efficiency, patient comfort, and the ability to be used in various age groups. These innovative appliances open up new possibilities for orthodontic treatment and help patients achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.