Hair follicle

The hair follicle is the hair follicle. A hair follicle is a skin formation in which hair growth and development occurs.

The follicle consists of two main parts:

  1. The inner root sheath containing the cells responsible for hair growth.

  2. The outer connective tissue sheath surrounding the root. It contains blood vessels and nerve endings that provide nutrition to the growing hair.

Several zones can be distinguished in the follicle:

  1. The hair follicle is the enlarged part of the follicle that contains the stem cells that give rise to hair cells.

  2. The hair papilla is the area where cells actively divide and form hair.

  3. True skin is the part of the follicle that passes through the epidermis.

  4. The sebaceous gland is a gland that opens into the upper third of the follicle and secretes sebum to lubricate the hair.

Thus, the hair follicle, or hair follicle, is a complex anatomical formation that plays an important role in the growth and development of hair.