Liver Inflammation

Liver Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. It plays a key role in many processes such as bile production, toxin disposal, nutrient absorption and much more. Therefore, any liver disease can have a serious impact on the health of the entire body.

Liver inflammation can be acute or chronic. Acute inflammation is characterized by severe pain in the liver area, aggravated by pressure, coughing and sneezing, green vomiting, fever, jaundice and other phenomena indicating severe pus. Treatment of acute liver inflammation requires professional intervention and medical supervision.

Chronic inflammation of the liver is caused by malaria, drunkenness, and self-poisoning from stagnant food masses in the colon. Signs of chronic liver inflammation are fatigue, drowsiness, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, sensitivity in the liver area.

Treatment of chronic liver inflammation includes a diet that excludes fats, sugar and starch, as well as peas, beans, beans, cabbage, pickled and fried foods. It is healthy to eat vegetables, fruits, strawberries and wild strawberries, as well as dairy products.

To reduce pain, it is recommended to apply warm poultices or dry cups to the right hypochondrium, in place of the liver. For medications, you can take cream of tartar or order a mixture of salicylic bismuth, salol and magnesia from the pharmacy.

Drinkers may develop cirrhosis of the liver, which is manifested by belching, nausea, loss of appetite, enlarged liver and the appearance of abdominal dropsy. Treatment of liver cirrhosis is based on diet.

Folk and home remedies can help treat the liver. For example, you can drink an infusion of immortelle flowers or wild strawberry leaves and stems. It is also useful to boil hair and young leaves from corn cobs and drink the broth, as well as drink red beet and radish juice.

It is important to remember that liver disease is a serious condition that requires medical intervention and monitoring. Signs of liver disease should be discussed with your doctor to get the best treatment and keep your entire body healthy.