Arousal Catatonic

Nowadays, therapy for catatonic arousal is considered one of the current trends, since this condition can lead to serious consequences in the patient’s life. How does the treatment process work, and what should you do if a friend or relative is catatonic? All over the world, the problem of this condition is considered serious and, above all, requires a comprehensive solution. Complications of catatonic symptoms can include consequences such as severe psychological disorders, motor problems and a passive defensive reaction. Mental disorders lead to loss of performance, mental decline, suicide or hallucinations. Personality changes may occur and in many cases become permanent. Patients' condition is treatable, but it is usually a process that requires a lot of time, patience and effort. A coughing attack, walking in a circle, freezing - all this may indicate catatonic syndrome. Doctors in this field consider the most common causes of its occurrence to be stress, depressive phases, schizophrenia and organic brain damage. There is also a disease known as chronic catatonia, which causes changes in the nervous system. It brings not only physical, but also spiritual suffering, which negatively affects the patient’s mental state. Currently, medicine has reached such a level of development that it is possible to cure this condition completely. The most important factor for successful completion of therapy is how timely the initial treatment was administered. The specialist who carried out the diagnosis must be able to identify the characteristic signs of the disease and then prescribe the necessary therapy. Not only the age and condition of the patient is taken into account, but also their compatibility with the drugs used. Catatonic arousal is associated with a disruption of the rhythm of functioning of the nervous system. As a rule, the main components of this process are considered to be: oxygen starvation of brain tissue, aging of certain structures and slowdown of metabolism. Important aspects will be correct diagnosis and medication support. It is equally important to conduct psychotherapy during treatment in order to improve the emotional state and return the person to normal functioning. But it is important to remember that catatonic syndrome is a rather dangerous condition that requires a professional approach from specialists. You cannot do without medical help.