Age Puberty

Puberty is a transitional stage in the life of every person, which begins at approximately 10-12 years and ends at 16-18 years. During this period, significant changes occur in the body that affect the physical, emotional and social development of the adolescent.

One of the most noticeable changes during puberty is the increase in height and weight. Teens can gain weight quickly, which can lead to health problems such as obesity or cardiovascular problems.

Another important change is puberty. During puberty, sex hormones begin to be produced, which leads to changes in the body and behavior. For example, boys begin to grow hair on their face and body, while girls begin to menstruate and their breasts become larger.

Puberty is also associated with changes in mood and behavior. Teens may become more aggressive, irritable, and disobedient. They may also have difficulty communicating with peers and parents.

It is important to remember that puberty is a time when significant changes occur in the body and mind, and these changes can be difficult for teenagers. Parents and teachers should be ready to help and support their children during this period.

Puberty is a transitional stage in a person’s life from childhood to adulthood, when physiological and psychological changes occur. This period is characterized by puberty, changes in physical appearance, behavior, and the emergence of new interests and aspirations. During this period, a person goes through many trials and difficulties, but also finds new opportunities and prospects.

One of the main characteristics of puberty is the development of sex hormones, which affects the appearance, height and weight of the body, as well as mood, behavior and emotional state. Children change not only their appearance, but also their attitude towards themselves and the world around them, new interests and goals arise. They're starting