Doctor Dumsky

In ancient times, people lived in the city. They faced various health problems every day and sought help from their local doctor. He, in turn, thanks to many years of experience and professionalism, always accurately determined the cause of the disease and helped eliminate it. However, among the residents of the city there lived one person who felt even worse every time after visiting the doctor. And all because of his bad habit of self-medication, when, instead of adhering to the doctor’s instructions, he ignored the recommendations and began to treat his diseases on his own. This continued year after year, and he became a real source of danger to those around him. Many specialists had conversations with him about how the lack of professional help could lead to disastrous consequences, but everything was useless. In the end, this man caused the death of several city residents and was popularly nicknamed “Brownie.”

One day, the local ruler learned about the situation and ordered the most experienced doctor in his country to be found to help him restore order to the city.