Medical secrecy

Medical confidentiality is a set of information about the patient’s health, intimate life and marital status that becomes known to a medical professional in the process of fulfilling his professional obligations and which cannot be disclosed. In Russia, medical confidentiality is protected by law and is regulated by Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation.”

According to this article, patient health information may only be disclosed to government health authorities for compelling reasons, such as protecting public health or investigating crimes. Also, investigative and judicial authorities may be provided with information about the patient’s health status upon their request.

However, it should be noted that in some cases, for example, with the consent of the patient, the doctor may disclose information about his health. Also, in accordance with the law, doctors are obliged to keep patient information confidential and not transfer it to third parties without their consent.

In general, medical confidentiality is an important element of medical ethics and confidentiality, which ensures the protection of the rights and freedoms of the patient. Violation of this confidentiality can lead to serious consequences for the doctor and the medical institution.

Medical confidentiality is a set of information that medical professionals are required to keep confidential. This information may relate to the patient’s illness, his intimate and family life. Medical confidentiality is protected by law and can only be disclosed when necessary, such as to protect public health or as part of a criminal or civil proceeding. However, medical professionals do not have the right to disclose this information without the permission of the patient or his legal representatives.

Medical confidentiality is of great importance for maintaining the health and well-being of patients. It protects their privacy and confidentiality, and ensures trust in medicine and healthcare professionals. In addition, medical confidentiality helps prevent the spread of diseases and infections in society.

However, some cases may require disclosure of medical confidentiality. For example, this may occur in the event of a threat to the life of a patient or during the investigation of crimes related to medical services. In such cases, health care providers must comply with laws and regulations regarding medical confidentiality and provide necessary information to government agencies and law enforcement agencies.

It is important to understand that maintaining medical confidentiality is one of the basic principles of medical ethics and professional responsibility of medical workers. They must protect the confidentiality and safety of their patients, but must also understand their responsibility to disclose medical confidentiality in accordance with the law and the rules of medical practice.