Medical Site

Medical area

A medical area is a territory with a certain number of residents or workers and employees, united on a production principle, which is assigned to a specific doctor of a clinic (medical unit, outpatient clinic, local hospital).

The main tasks of the medical department are:

  1. Providing primary health care to the attached population.

  2. Carrying out preventive and anti-epidemic measures.

  3. Dispensary observation of chronic patients.

  4. Patronage of pregnant women and young children.

  5. Study of health indicators of the population served and factors influencing it.

Thus, the medical station plays an important role in protecting the health of citizens and preventing diseases. The effective work of local doctors makes it possible to provide timely medical care and prevent the development of pathological processes in the population.

A medical station is one of the main structural elements of healthcare, providing the population with the necessary medical care. This is a territory located in a certain area in which groups of people united by professional characteristics live or work. Each group of people is assigned a doctor who conducts regular examinations, consultations, diagnostics and treatment of patients.

The main task of medical practice is to provide qualified medical care to the population. Under the general guidance of a therapist, doctors must organize systematic monitoring of the health status of the population, carrying out treatment and preventive measures to prevent diseases and promote health. The doctor of the preventive department is responsible for ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and rest, organizing rational organization in the outpatient work of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sick persons.

Medical territory (site). Its size depends on many factors. For example, on population density, the number of attached contingents, and the accessibility of the clinic. But the main factor is the distance to the place of work and residence. It is necessary to strive to ensure that every future or existing doctor can receive qualified medical care in his area. The less a doctor treats patients, the higher the likelihood of untimely chronic diseases that require long-term treatment by another doctor and an increase in time in the dynamics of monitoring the patient. Therefore, the doctor’s goal is to conduct the maximum number of examinations, rehabilitations, repeated visits and additional studies among the population assigned to him during the year. The most important indicator of this task is the timeliness and timeliness of treatment.

In functional terms, the medical area corresponds to the following tasks:

1. providing daily high-quality medical and medical-social care.

2. organization of rational use of medical personnel.