Harmful Space

Harmful space can be dangerous to the health and life of people. This is a space where toxic substances, dangerous microorganisms or radiation may be located. Harmful space can also be caused by improper food storage, use of chemicals, or environmental pollution.

Unhealthy space can lead to various diseases such as cancer, asthma, allergies and others. In addition, it can cause problems with breathing, skin and other organs.

To avoid hazardous spaces, it is necessary to follow safety and hygiene rules. For example, store food in airtight containers, use respirators when working with toxic substances, and clean your home regularly.

In addition, it is important to monitor the state of the environment and not throw away waste without recycling.

Harmful space is a term that is widely used in various areas of life. In economics, it means a shortage of goods or services on the market, which leads to their rise in price and reduced availability for the population. In medicine, the concept of noxious space (or "dead space") is used to describe some part of the body or internal organs that is irreparably damaged. This, for example, occurs in oncology, gene defects, chemical and mechanical injuries at the cellular level and other pathological conditions. Also, the concept of harmfulness exists within the framework of ecology and is synonymous with the expression “dead zone,” i.e., a space that has ceased to fulfill its functions and cannot be reused in the future. In the social sphere, “harmful” appears as a division into castes, classes, elite and small, and so on, society, and not equal stratification and inequality before the law. “Harmfulness” tends to be conservative, but also move forward.

The term was born in England, from the author William Hazlitt, back in the 19th century. The concept of a “dead zone” has found application in chronography and navigation. An example is the events that happened on October 5, 2014, when an anomalous geomagnetic field that was not detectable by instruments was observed over European territory.