Accommodation of the Eye Intracapsular

Accommodation of the eye intracapsular Accommodation of the eye

In the modern world, more and more people are faced with eye health problems. One of the most common problems is intracapillary accommodation. It occurs when the muscles of the eyeball are stretched and can lead to decreased vision. In this article we will look at what intracapital accommodation is, its causes and symptoms, as well as how the development of this pathology can be prevented.

Accommodative intracapetral What is it? Accommodative intracapsular is the process of stretching and shortening the paracentral part of the ciliary muscle of the eyeball in order to increase distance visual acuity (when looking from near to far), during which the paracentral ciliary muscle strengthens its contractility and its thickness increases. The paracentral fibers of the ciliary ligaments, connecting the processes of the ciliary bodies with the eye capsule, are stretched.

Causes of occurrence The main causes of eye aculamation are: * Improper nutrition; * Metabolic disorders;