Chenodeoxycholic Acid

Chenodesooxycholic acid (CDCA) is an organic compound found in bile and cholesteryl esters. CDCA is an important component of metabolism and plays an important role in the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. It also plays a key role in glucose and lipid metabolism.

CDCA was first discovered in 1945 after a scientist discovered that certain medications could help diabetics with liver problems. Since then, CDCA has become a key ingredient in a number of medications and dietary supplements.

Experiments have shown that CDCA has a powerful inhibitory effect on inflammatory processes, including autoimmune diseases. In addition, CDCA may suppress the development of cancer. It is also known to help reduce body fat and lower blood cholesterol levels.

It should be noted that before using CDCA you should consult a doctor and get recommendations on dosage and method of use. In addition, it should be remembered that if used incorrectly, CDH can lead to serious side effects.