Embedding the Fetal Head

Impaction of the fetal head is part of the expulsion period in labor, when the fetal head emerges from the genital opening during pushing. This is a very important moment in the birth process as it allows the woman and her baby to begin breathing and begin to move towards birth.

Head impaction occurs when the baby begins to move down the mother's birth canal. During pushing, the fetal head begins to gradually emerge from the vagina, and the woman may feel pressure and pain. At this moment it is important not to panic and remain calm, as this can be very dangerous for the child.

When the fetal head is completely out of the vagina, the woman may begin to feel relief and relaxation. However, it is important to remember that after the insertion of the fetal head, labor may continue for some time. Sometimes this can take several hours or even days.

It is important to remember that help from a doctor or midwife may be needed if complications occur, such as labor slowing or stopping. Therefore, if you feel that something is wrong, seek help from medical personnel immediately.

The insertion of the fetal head is one of the key stages of labor, when the baby's head begins to emerge from the genital opening. This occurs during pushing and can cause discomfort and pain in the woman in labor. However, cutting in does not always go smoothly and may require additional medical intervention.

The cutting in of the fetal head occurs as a result of contraction of the uterus and pelvic floor muscles. During pushing, the uterus pushes the fetus through the vagina, and the baby's head appears from the vagina. At this moment, the woman in labor may feel pressure on the pelvic area and lower back.

However, insertion may be difficult due to various factors such as fetal malposition, narrow pelvis, large fetal size, or malpositioned fetal head. In such cases, additional measures may be required, such as amniotomy (cutting the amniotic sac), the use of forceps, or a caesarean section.

It is important to note that cutting in the fetal head is not the only stage of labor. After cutting in, the fetal head may continue to appear and exit the vagina, which is called fetal expulsion. This process can last from several minutes to several hours and requires constant supervision by an obstetrician.

Thus, insertion of the fetal head may be difficult and require additional measures to successfully complete the birth. However, if everything goes smoothly, cutting in helps avoid many complications and allows the baby to be born healthy and without damage.