Ingrown nail

An ingrown nail is a common nail disease in which the edge of the nail plate grows into the periungual fold. This leads to inflammation and pain.


  1. Wearing tight or short shoes, which constantly injure your toes
  2. Improper nail care - cutting nails too deep
  3. Flat feet and other foot deformities


  1. Pain and discomfort when walking
  2. Redness, swelling in the nail bed area
  3. Purulent discharge from under the nail


At the initial stage:

  1. Wearing loose shoes
  2. Daily baths with potassium permanganate
  3. Using gauze pads soaked in antiseptic
  4. Careful trimming of the nail

If ineffective, surgical intervention is required.


  1. Proper nail care and trimming
  2. Wearing comfortable shoes that do not squeeze your toes
  3. Timely treatment of foot deformities

Thus, ingrown toenails are a common but treatable condition. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and follow the recommendations for prevention.