Signs About Children

during the full moon were considered dangerous, so women were advised to avoid childbirth during this period.

As for children born on a full moon, they were credited with particularly strong energy and the ability to develop quickly. However, as is the case with other signs, whether to believe in it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

First tooth
Some folk signs are associated with the appearance of a child’s first tooth. In Russia, for example, they said that if the first tooth erupts on the left, then the child will be right-handed, and if on the right, then he will be left-handed. In many countries, they believe that the first tooth is an indicator of a child's character. If the tooth grows painlessly and quickly, then the child will be calm and balanced. If the process of teething is accompanied by pain and difficulties, then the child will be painful and capricious.

There is also a belief that the first tooth should be preserved for life to ensure happiness and good luck for the child. To do this, the tooth can be placed in a special pendant or attached to a crib.

In conclusion, we can say that signs associated with children existed and exist in many cultures. Some of them may seem strange or illogical, but they tend to survive time and be preserved in folk traditions. Regardless of whether you believe in omens or not, they can add interest to the process of raising and developing a child.