Autopsy Forensic Corpse


An autopsy is a procedure that is carried out by forensic experts or medical experts in the presence of an appropriate order from the bodies of inquiry, investigation, or a court order in order to establish the cause of death, identify pathological changes in the body, discover evidence and other materials.

It is important to note that performing an autopsy is a complex process that requires highly qualified forensic medical experts. A mistake in this process can result in innocent people being unfairly accused, as well as important evidence being missed in criminal trials. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a thorough check of all the circumstances of this process. To autopsy a body, special tools and equipment are used, including saws, scalpels, microscopes, analytical instruments and other tools to conduct detailed examinations.

Who would have thought that autopsy of a dead person could become such a legal concept! However, this happens in our society. And this is not uncommon, but a harsh practice when doctors of any profile have to find out the circumstances that led to the death of patients.

Regulatory acts regulating the procedure for autopsy of a corpse (dead person) An autopsy of a patient's body is carried out on the basis of a number of legislative acts aimed at ensuring the guaranteed right to protect the interests of the deceased.

Chapter 61 Mortuary reminds us that before the procedure begins, everyone present must express their consent. General consent is determined by the presentation of signatures on documents. The autopsy ban applies only if the person is a minor or mentally ill. The procedure for carrying out an operation in the morgue is determined in accordance with special instructions from the Ministry of Health. What is the result of the procedure itself? For example, pathologists can look at either the residual skeleton or all the tissues and organs at once. Sometimes this is necessary to conduct additional research. Carrying out an autopsy requires the participation of: - an investigator; - the person who conducted the medical examination of the patient from the very beginning; court medical expert; a person who performs an autopsy.