Protrusion of the uterus

The uterus protrudes either from an external reason - a fall or fast running, or when a woman screams or sneezes loudly, or hears a rumble or scream and gets scared, or from a blow that relaxes the uterine ligaments, or from a difficult birth, or from the heaviness of the child, or the rudeness of the midwives when the fetus and membrane are removed, or when the child comes out at once, or due to fluids relaxing the ligaments and rot occurring in the ligaments. Sometimes the entire uterus comes out, sometimes it turns out, and sometimes it falls out completely.

Signs and signs of this. Women experience terrible pain in the stomach, lower back, and back from this; sometimes along with this there are fevers. She often experiences constipation and urinary retention, as the uterus compresses the passages of feces and urine, and sometimes she experiences shaking, trembling and causeless fear. She feels something round near her side and feels something descending near her vagina, soft to the touch, especially when the inversion is complete and the inside of the uterus comes out. If the opening of the cervix cannot be felt, then we know that the base of the uterus has turned over and protruded, and if the opening can be found, then the uterus has come out as it is, not inverted, and only its cervix has prolapsed.

Treatment. One can hope to cure only a recent illness in a young woman. They begin first of all with relaxation with enemas and expulsion of urine with diuretics, and when this is finished, the woman lies on her back and her legs are spread apart. Then you take a piece of downy, soft wool, apply it to the uterus, and then take another piece of wool, moisten it with squeezed acacia juice or wine in which something astringent has been dissolved, apply it to the mouth of the uterus and carefully insert it inside until all the wool is won't be inside. After that, you take another piece of wool, soak it in vinegar and water and apply it to the vagina, and make the woman lie on her side, tuck her legs and hold the wool where it is inserted, without throwing it out. Place cups below her navel and on her spine, make her smell very pleasant smells so that the uterus rises up because of Them, and beware of bringing anything foul to her - then the uterus will rush down. When the third day comes, change the wool and put the wool dipped in warm wine in which myrtle, rose, acacia, pomegranate peels and other substances were boiled. Pour this over her navel and pubis and use medicines for gluing, prepared from oatmeal, as well as those prepared from duckweed and prepared from lentils with astringents - this method of treatment often heals. And after that, plant it in a decoction of fragrant rush, myrtle and roses. You should keep the patient from screaming, from salty foods that remove juices, and from substances that cause sneezing and coughing, and prescribe rest and quiet for her.