Higher Nervous Activity

Higher nervous activity: what it is and how it works

Higher nervous activity is a complex process of integrative activity of the brain, which allows the individual body to adapt to changing conditions of the surrounding and internal environment. This form of activity distinguishes humans and higher animals from other organisms and allows them to adapt to different situations.

Higher nervous activity consists of many processes that occur in different parts of the brain. The most important of them are the perception of information, its processing and storage in memory, as well as making decisions and performing actions. All these processes are closely interconnected and occur almost simultaneously.

The perception of information begins with the processing of signals coming from the senses. These signals are then transmitted to different areas of the brain where they are processed and analyzed. For example, information received from the eyes is processed in the visual cortex, and information from the auditory organs is processed in the auditory cortex. The processed information is then transferred to other areas of the brain, where it is associated with information already in memory.

Making decisions and performing actions are also important parts of higher nervous activity. These processes are associated with the activity of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for higher mental functions of a person, such as thinking, speech, attention and memory. In addition, these processes are also associated with the activity of other areas of the brain, such as the basal ganglia, which is responsible for the coordination of movements, and the limbic system, which regulates emotions and motivation.

Higher nervous activity is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But it can also be impaired by various factors, such as brain injuries, neurological diseases and mental disorders. In such cases, treatment may be required, which may include medication, rehabilitation, and psychotherapy.

In conclusion, higher nervous activity is a complex process of integrative activity of the brain, which ensures individual behavioral adaptation of humans or higher animals to changing conditions of the external and internal environment. This process consists of many processes, including the perception of information, its processing and storage in memory, as well as making decisions and taking actions. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but can be disrupted by various factors. Understanding higher nervous system activity can help develop new treatments and improve the quality of life for people with nervous system disorders.

Higher nervous activity is the ability of the nervous system to ensure the body's adaptability to constantly changing environmental conditions. It includes a range of processes, ranging from simple reflexes to more complex cognitive functions.

One of the main features of higher nervous activity is its plasticity - the ability to change and adapt in response to changes in the environment. This property provides us with the opportunity to live in a changing world and successfully adapt to different conditions.

Higher nervous activity is based on the processes of integration and coordination of various functions of the brain. Thanks to these processes, we can process information and make decisions